Bad Religion
The Quickening

The quickening is an ephemeral thing
That only happens in the dark
Like catching lightning in a jar
And the pain that it brings
Is just the promise of spring
It's madness on the wing
Oh, what does it mean…

To come alive
To come alive
To come alive
(To come alive) To come alive
To come alive
To come alive

The entering is soulful conjecturing
Oh, lost and by the wind-grieved coast
Please come back to me again
Because the way that she bleeds
is in the law that he reads
Confusing words and deeds
So what does it mean…

to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive

To pierce the wein of the sacred and profain
Poor science, in the service of a faith
But who will bear the mark of Cain?

to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive

Mirror lyrics:

to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive

But who will bear the mark of Cain?
Poor science, in the service of a faith
To pierce the wein of the sacred and profain

to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive
to come alive

So what does it mean…
Confusing words and deeds
is in the law that he reads
Because the way that she bleeds
Please come back to me again
Oh, lost and by the wind-grieved coast
The entering is soulful conjecturing

To come alive
To come alive
(To come alive) To come alive
To come alive
To come alive
To come alive

Oh, what does it mean…
It's madness on the wing
Is just the promise of spring
And the pain that it brings
Like catching lightning in a jar
That only happens in the dark
The quickening is an ephemeral thing

Relevant Tags:
TThe QQuickening he uickening hTe uQickening fhe auickening fThe aQuickening Tfhe Qauickening 5he 2uickening 5The 2Quickening
T5he Q2uickening hhe wuickening hThe wQuickening Thhe Qwuickening yhe suickening yThe sQuickening Tyhe Qsuickening 6he 1uickening
6The 1Quickening T6he Q1uickening ghe Quuickening gThe Qickening Tghe Qiuckening rhe Qhickening rThe Qhuickening Trhe Quhickening
Q7ickening Te Q7uickening Teh Qu7ickening Tje Qkickening Tjhe Qkuickening Thje Qukickening Tue Qiickening Tuhe Qiuickening
Thue Quiickening Tne Q8ickening Tnhe Q8uickening Thne Qu8ickening Tbe Qjickening Tbhe Qjuickening Thbe Qujickening Tge Qyickening
Qyuickening Thge Quyickening Tye Quckening Thye Qucikening Thee Qujckening Th The Quijckening
Ths Qu9ckening Thse Qu9ickening Thes Qui9ckening Th3 Qulckening Th3e Qulickening The3 Quilckening Thf Quockening Thfe Quoickening
Thef Quiockening Thr Qukckening Thre Ther Quikckening Th4 Qu8ckening Th4e The4 Qui8ckening Thd Quuckening
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Quicdkening Quickkening Quicening Quicekning Quiclening Quiclkening Quicklening Quicoening
Quicokening Quickoening Quicmening Quicmkening Quickmening Quicjening Quicjkening

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