Bad Religion
Tiny Voices

the brown and orange sky holds its breath
as the sun retreats to the distant horizon,
and our hearts palpitate anxiously as we soon will lay supine,
and wait for sleep to overcome us
and from somewhere in our black,
subconscious minds when we're asleep,
comes a haunting swelling mass of voices,
resonating, its screams of forgotten victims and the cries of innocence,
and the desperate plea for recognition and recompense
tiny voices, echoes of our heritage,
our long and sallow faces turn the other way,
tiny voices, harbored deep within
as we outwardly deny that they have something to say,
and if we don't confront them they will never go away
the billions of tiny pinhole embers fade into a morning sky
filled with poignant morose wonder,
waking a bear a cosmetic peace that verifies the turmoil
which we carry deep inside.

Mirror lyrics:

which we carry deep inside.
waking a bear a cosmetic peace that verifies the turmoil
filled with poignant morose wonder,
the billions of tiny pinhole embers fade into a morning sky
and if we don't confront them they will never go away
as we outwardly deny that they have something to say,
tiny voices, harbored deep within
our long and sallow faces turn the other way,
tiny voices, echoes of our heritage,
and the desperate plea for recognition and recompense
resonating, its screams of forgotten victims and the cries of innocence,
comes a haunting swelling mass of voices,
subconscious minds when we're asleep,
and from somewhere in our black,
and wait for sleep to overcome us
and our hearts palpitate anxiously as we soon will lay supine,
as the sun retreats to the distant horizon,
the brown and orange sky holds its breath

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hTiny gVoices Thiny Vgoices yiny foices yTiny fVoices Tyiny Vfoices 6iny Vooices 6Tiny Vices T6iny Vioces giny Vkices gTiny Vkoices
Tginy Vokices riny V9ices rTiny V9oices Triny Vo9ices Tiiny V0ices Tny V0oices Tniy Vo0ices Tjny Vlices Tjiny Vloices Tijny Volices
T9ny Viices T9iny Vioices Ti9ny Voiices Tlny Tliny Voces Tilny Vocies Tony Vojces Toiny Vojices Tiony Voijces Tkny Vo9ces
Tkiny Tikny Voi9ces T8ny Volces T8iny Ti8ny Voilces Tuny Vooces Tuiny Tiuny Voioces Tinny Vokces Tiy
Tiyn Voikces Timy Vo8ces Timny Vo8ices

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