Bad Religion
The Gray Race

the framework of the world
is black and white
the infrastructure builders
flex their might

turning true emotion
into digital expression
one by one we all fall down

the gray race shrivels
trapped inside the world it creates

it's black and white

the perputual destructive
motion machine
began to chart a course
never before seen

turning raw compassion
into fields of plus and minus
one by one we all give in

the gray race shrivels
trapped inside the world it creates
it's black and white

I'd swear there were times when I was someone else
a person with determination and knowledge of the self
but you flattened me to rubble and now I can see that I'm
just faded negative of the image I used to be

and that's our dilemma

Mirror lyrics:

and that's our dilemma

just faded negative of the image I used to be
but you flattened me to rubble and now I can see that I'm
a person with determination and knowledge of the self
I'd swear there were times when I was someone else

it's black and white
trapped inside the world it creates
the gray race shrivels

one by one we all give in
into fields of plus and minus
turning raw compassion

never before seen
began to chart a course
motion machine
the perputual destructive

it's black and white

trapped inside the world it creates
the gray race shrivels

one by one we all fall down
into digital expression
turning true emotion

flex their might
the infrastructure builders
is black and white
the framework of the world

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGray RRace he ray ace hTe rGay aRce fhe hray dace fThe hGray dRace Tfhe Ghray Rdace 5he yray 4ace 5The yGray 4Race T5he Gyray R4ace
hhe bray gace hThe bGray gRace Thhe Gbray Rgace yhe vray tace yThe vGray tRace Tyhe Gvray Rtace 6he fray 5ace 6The fGray 5Race T6he Gfray R5ace
ghe tray face gThe tGray fRace Tghe Gtray Rface rhe Grray eace rThe Gay eRace Trhe Gary Reace Gday Raace Te Gdray Rce Teh Grday Rcae
Tje G4ay Rzce Tjhe G4ray Rzace Thje Gr4ay Razce Tue Ggay Rqce Tuhe Ggray Rqace Thue Grgay Raqce Tne Gtay Rsce Tnhe Rsace Thne Grtay Rasce
Tbe G5ay Rwce Tbhe G5ray Rwace Thbe Gr5ay Rawce Tge Gfay Rxce Rxace Thge Grfay Raxce Tye Geay Racce

Popular Songs:

don't change

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i'm your destiny

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here i am

this little light

the greatest reward (l'envie d'aimer)

stand by me

sofia kã¤llgren & robert wells my love

learning my part

it's a wonderful world


d'aventures en aventures

old t shirt

idi na put

show me

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