Badlees, The
The Unfunny

Just be clever for clever's sake, starin' at the ceiling into shadow-fakes

The circle-smokes in the ladies room only got you as
far as the roles assumed

A glimpse of the perfect crime is just a reverie away

Whadaya say we hang there a while for expediency's sake?

And fantasize the great demise of the unfunny

Cut and dry, we'll bid good-bye to the unfunny

Their personality inspires like a five pound bag of fertilizer

Like living in a house with fifteen cats,
you're unaware of the stench when a line goes flat

A glimpse of the perfect crime is just a reverie away

Whadaya say we hang there a while for expediency's sake?

And fantasize the great demise of the unfunny

Set 'em up, we'll drink a cup to the unfunny

Mirror lyrics:

Set 'em up, we'll drink a cup to the unfunny

And fantasize the great demise of the unfunny

Whadaya say we hang there a while for expediency's sake?

A glimpse of the perfect crime is just a reverie away

you're unaware of the stench when a line goes flat
Like living in a house with fifteen cats,

Their personality inspires like a five pound bag of fertilizer

Cut and dry, we'll bid good-bye to the unfunny

And fantasize the great demise of the unfunny

Whadaya say we hang there a while for expediency's sake?

A glimpse of the perfect crime is just a reverie away

far as the roles assumed
The circle-smokes in the ladies room only got you as

Just be clever for clever's sake, starin' at the ceiling into shadow-fakes

Relevant Tags:
TThe UUnfunny he nfunny hTe nUfunny fhe hnfunny fThe hUnfunny Tfhe Uhnfunny 5he 7nfunny 5The 7Unfunny T5he U7nfunny hhe knfunny
hThe kUnfunny Thhe Uknfunny yhe infunny yThe iUnfunny Tyhe Uinfunny 6he 8nfunny 6The 8Unfunny T6he U8nfunny ghe jnfunny gThe jUnfunny
Tghe Ujnfunny rhe ynfunny rThe yUnfunny Trhe Uynfunny Unnfunny Te Ufunny Teh Ufnunny Tje Umfunny Tjhe Umnfunny Thje Unmfunny
Tue Uhfunny Tuhe Thue Unhfunny Tne Ujfunny Tnhe Thne Unjfunny Tbe Ubfunny Tbhe Ubnfunny Thbe Unbfunny Tge Unffunny
Ununny Thge Unufnny Tye Uncunny Uncfunny Thye Unfcunny Thee Unrunny Th Unrfunny The Unfrunny Ths Ungunny Thse Ungfunny
Thes Unfgunny Th3 Untunny Th3e Untfunny The3 Unftunny Thf Unvunny Thfe Unvfunny Thef Unfvunny Thr Undunny Thre Undfunny Ther Unfdunny
Th4 Unfuunny Th4e Unfnny The4 Unfnuny

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