Bad Religion
At The Mercy Of Imbeciles

What you do is what you are
And wishing upon distant stars
Won't improve the hole you're in
Won't absolve your deepest sin
But action is no gift from some covert and lofty god
It's dependant and weighty all the same
And it is oh so easy just to keep to yourself
But then you're at the mercy of imbeciles
Now I didn't make up the rules
But clearly we are led by fools
It is wise to know their ways
So you know how not to behave
But sometimes we find ourselves in desperate need
And we look to those with privilege and power
It's then we learn compassion sits inert on their shelves
We're at the mercy of imbeciles
NO Actions is no gift from some masked spirit in the sky
It's reducible to flesh, mind, and bone
And it is oh so easy just to keep to yourself
But then you're at the mercy of imbeciles

Mirror lyrics:

But then you're at the mercy of imbeciles
And it is oh so easy just to keep to yourself
It's reducible to flesh, mind, and bone
NO Actions is no gift from some masked spirit in the sky
We're at the mercy of imbeciles
It's then we learn compassion sits inert on their shelves
And we look to those with privilege and power
But sometimes we find ourselves in desperate need
So you know how not to behave
It is wise to know their ways
But clearly we are led by fools
Now I didn't make up the rules
But then you're at the mercy of imbeciles
And it is oh so easy just to keep to yourself
It's dependant and weighty all the same
But action is no gift from some covert and lofty god
Won't absolve your deepest sin
Won't improve the hole you're in
And wishing upon distant stars
What you do is what you are

Relevant Tags:
AAt TThe MMercy OOf IImbeciles t he ercy f mbeciles tA hTe eMrcy fO mIbeciles zt fhe jercy kf jmbeciles zAt fThe jMercy kOf jImbeciles
Azt Tfhe Mjercy Okf Ijmbeciles qt 5he kercy 9f 9mbeciles qAt 5The kMercy 9Of 9Imbeciles Aqt T5he Mkercy O9f I9mbeciles st hhe nercy 0f lmbeciles
sAt hThe nMercy 0Of lImbeciles Ast Thhe Mnercy O0f Ilmbeciles wt yhe Meercy lf ombeciles wAt yThe Mrcy lOf oImbeciles Awt Tyhe Mrecy Olf Iombeciles
xt 6he Msrcy if kmbeciles xAt 6The Msercy iOf kImbeciles Axt T6he Mesrcy Oif Ikmbeciles Att ghe M3rcy Off 8mbeciles A gThe M3ercy O 8Imbeciles
At Tghe Me3rcy Of I8mbeciles Af rhe Mfrcy Oc umbeciles Aft rThe Mfercy Ocf uImbeciles Atf Trhe Mefrcy Ofc Iumbeciles A5 Mrrcy Or Immbeciles
A5t Te Mrercy Orf Ibeciles At5 Teh Merrcy Ofr Ibmeciles Ah Tje M4rcy Og Ijbeciles Aht Tjhe M4ercy Ogf Ath Thje Me4rcy Ofg Imjbeciles
Ay Tue Mdrcy Ot Ikbeciles Ayt Tuhe Mdercy Otf Aty Thue Medrcy Oft Imkbeciles A6 Tne Mwrcy Ov Inbeciles A6t Tnhe Mwercy Ovf Inmbeciles
At6 Thne Mewrcy Ofv Imnbeciles Ag Tbe Od Imbbeciles Agt Tbhe Mecy Odf Imeciles Atg Thbe Mecry Ofd Imebciles Ar Tge Medcy Imveciles
Art Imvbeciles Atr Thge Merdcy Imbveciles Tye Me4cy Imgeciles Imgbeciles Thye Mer4cy Imbgeciles
Thee Megcy Imneciles Th Megrcy The Mergcy Imbneciles Ths Metcy Imheciles Thse Metrcy Imhbeciles
Thes Mertcy Imbheciles Th3 Me5cy Imbeeciles Th3e Me5rcy Imbciles The3 Mer5cy Imbceiles Thf Mefcy Imbsciles
Thfe Imbseciles Thef Merfcy Imbesciles Thr Meecy Imb3ciles Thre Imb3eciles Ther Merecy Imbe3ciles
Th4 Merccy Imbfciles Th4e Mery Imbfeciles The4 Meryc Imbefciles Thd Merfy Imbrciles Thde Imbreciles
Thed Mercfy Imberciles Thw Merxy Imb4ciles Thwe Merxcy Imb4eciles Thew Mercxy Imbe4ciles Mervy Imbdciles
Mervcy Imbdeciles Mercvy Imbedciles Merdy Imbwciles Imbweciles Mercdy Imbewciles
Mercyy Imbecciles Merc Imbeiles Mercy Imbeicles Mercg Imbefiles Mercgy

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