52 Seconds
I know I'm part of something greater than myself
Don't know the meaning of it but I hope that matters less
I don't know anything when I'm factored out of scale
I know I'm part of something greater than myself
We're all engaging in a game of attrition
Maybe god is just a chemical fiction
I'm a monkey with a madding affliction
With fact checking for a mental condition
I know I'm part of something greater than myself
Don't know the meaning of it but I hope that matters less
I don't know anything when I'm factored out of scale
I know I'm part of something greater than myself
I know I'm part of something greater than myself
I don't know anything when I'm factored out of scale
Don't know the meaning of it but I hope that matters less
I know I'm part of something greater than myself
With fact checking for a mental condition
I'm a monkey with a madding affliction
Maybe god is just a chemical fiction
We're all engaging in a game of attrition
I know I'm part of something greater than myself
I don't know anything when I'm factored out of scale
Don't know the meaning of it but I hope that matters less
I know I'm part of something greater than myself
552 SSeconds |
| 2 econds |
| 25 eSconds |
| 62 zeconds |
| 652 zSeconds |
| 562 Szeconds |
| r2 weconds |
| r52 wSeconds |
| 5r2 Sweconds |
| t2 deconds |
| t52 dSeconds |
5t2 Sdeconds |
| 42 eeconds |
| 452 eSeconds |
| 542 Seeconds |
| 522 xeconds |
| 5 xSeconds |
| 52 Sxeconds |
| 53 aeconds |
| 532 aSeconds |
| 523 Saeconds |
| 5q |
5q2 Sconds |
| 52q Sceonds |
| 5w Ssconds |
| 5w2 Sseconds |
| 52w Sesconds |
| 51 S3conds |
| 512 S3econds |
| 521 Se3conds |
| Sfconds |
| Sfeconds |
| Sefconds |
Srconds |
| Sreconds |
| Serconds |
| S4conds |
| S4econds |
| Se4conds |
| Sdconds |
| Sedconds |
| Swconds |
| Sewconds |
| Secconds |
Seonds |
| Seocnds |
| Sefonds |
| Secfonds |
| Sexonds |
| Sexconds |
| Secxonds |
| Sevonds |
| Sevconds |
| Secvonds |
| Sedonds |
Secdonds |
| Secoonds |
| Secnds |
| Secnods |