Bad Religion
Against The Grain

Three thousand miles of wilderness
Overcome by the flow,
A lonely restitution of pavement,
Pomp and show,
I seek a thousand answers,
I find but one or two,
I maintain no discomfiture,
My path again renewed,

Against the grain,
That's where I'll stay,
Swimming upstream,
I maintain against the grain

Here labelled as lunatic,
Sequestered and content,
There ignored and defeated
By the government,
There's an oriented public who's magnetic
Force does pull,
But away from the potential of the individual,

Against the grain,
That's where I'll stay,
Swimming upstream,
I maintain against the grain

The flow is getting stronger
With smaller increments of time and eddies
Of new ideas are increasingly hard to find,
You need all that the other has,
Your right to seize the day
But in all your acquisitions you will soon
Be swept away,

Against the grain,
That's where I'll stay,
Swimming upstream,
I maintain against the grain

There's a common consensus
And an uncomfortable cheer,
A reverberating chorus that anyone can hear,
It sings "leave your cares behind you,
Just grab tenaciously",
This lulling sense or purpose will
Destroy us rapidly,

Against the grain,
That's where I'll stay,
Swimming upstream,
I maintain against the grain

Mirror lyrics:

I maintain against the grain
Swimming upstream,
That's where I'll stay,
Against the grain,

Destroy us rapidly,
This lulling sense or purpose will
Just grab tenaciously",
It sings "leave your cares behind you,
A reverberating chorus that anyone can hear,
And an uncomfortable cheer,
There's a common consensus

I maintain against the grain
Swimming upstream,
That's where I'll stay,
Against the grain,

Be swept away,
But in all your acquisitions you will soon
Your right to seize the day
You need all that the other has,
Of new ideas are increasingly hard to find,
With smaller increments of time and eddies
The flow is getting stronger

I maintain against the grain
Swimming upstream,
That's where I'll stay,
Against the grain,

But away from the potential of the individual,
Force does pull,
There's an oriented public who's magnetic
By the government,
There ignored and defeated
Sequestered and content,
Here labelled as lunatic,

I maintain against the grain
Swimming upstream,
That's where I'll stay,
Against the grain,

My path again renewed,
I maintain no discomfiture,
I find but one or two,
I seek a thousand answers,
Pomp and show,
A lonely restitution of pavement,
Overcome by the flow,
Three thousand miles of wilderness

Relevant Tags:
AAgainst TThe GGrain gainst he rain gAainst hTe rGain zgainst fhe hrain zAgainst fThe hGrain Azgainst Tfhe Ghrain
qgainst 5he yrain qAgainst 5The yGrain Aqgainst T5he Gyrain sgainst hhe brain sAgainst hThe bGrain Asgainst Thhe Gbrain
wgainst yhe vrain wAgainst yThe vGrain Awgainst Tyhe Gvrain xgainst 6he frain xAgainst 6The fGrain Axgainst T6he Gfrain
Aggainst ghe train Aainst gThe tGrain Aaginst Tghe Gtrain Ahainst rhe Grrain Ahgainst rThe Gain Aghainst Trhe Garin
Ayainst Gdain Aygainst Te Gdrain Agyainst Teh Grdain Abainst Tje G4ain Abgainst Tjhe G4rain Agbainst Thje Gr4ain
Avainst Tue Ggain Avgainst Tuhe Ggrain Agvainst Thue Grgain Afainst Tne Gtain Afgainst Tnhe Agfainst Thne Grtain
Atainst Tbe G5ain Atgainst Tbhe G5rain Agtainst Thbe Gr5ain Agaainst Tge Gfain Aginst Agianst Thge Grfain
Agzinst Tye Geain Agzainst Gerain Agazinst Thye Greain Agqinst Thee Graain Agqainst Th Grin Agaqinst The Grian
Agsinst Ths Grzin Agsainst Thse Grzain Agasinst Thes Grazin Agwinst Th3 Grqin Agwainst Th3e Grqain Agawinst The3 Graqin
Agxinst Thf Grsin Agxainst Thfe Grsain Agaxinst Thef Grasin Agaiinst Thr Grwin Aganst Thre Grwain Aganist Ther Grawin
Agajnst Th4 Grxin Agajinst Th4e Grxain Agaijnst The4 Graxin Aga9nst Thd Graiin Aga9inst Thde Gran Agai9nst Thed Grani
Agalnst Thw Grajn Agalinst Thwe Grajin Agailnst Thew Graijn Agaonst Gra9n

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