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Faces In Picasso's Notebook

Jennifer is laughing at my same old stupid jokes
It's the first time that I've seen her since it all went up in smoke
Her hair is longer, her eyes are sadder, her smile is just the same
It's funny how we sit here as if nothing's really changed

'cause old lovers never fade away
They haunt you and they hint at things
That never could have been

Like faces in picasso's notebook, visions that have lost their shape

She acts a little jealous, 'cause my life is going well
But we talk around the danger zones, we know more than we tell

'cause old habits burn into your mind
They taunt you and they trick you
And they twist your sense of time

Like faces in picasso's notebook, visions that have lost their shape
Faces in picasso's notebook, lovers who have lost their way

And isn't it strange how we feel so close
Now that there's no love to bind us?
And isn't it strange how your heart keeps a hope burning?

So we sit together, have a drink to all that might have been
And drift into our separate lives - I guess that's how these things end

Like faces in picasso's notebook, visions that have lost their shape
Faces in picasso's notebook, lovers who have lost their way

Lovers who have lost their way

Mirror lyrics:

Lovers who have lost their way

Faces in picasso's notebook, lovers who have lost their way
Like faces in picasso's notebook, visions that have lost their shape

And drift into our separate lives - I guess that's how these things end
So we sit together, have a drink to all that might have been

And isn't it strange how your heart keeps a hope burning?
Now that there's no love to bind us?
And isn't it strange how we feel so close

Faces in picasso's notebook, lovers who have lost their way
Like faces in picasso's notebook, visions that have lost their shape

And they twist your sense of time
They taunt you and they trick you
'cause old habits burn into your mind

But we talk around the danger zones, we know more than we tell
She acts a little jealous, 'cause my life is going well

Like faces in picasso's notebook, visions that have lost their shape

That never could have been
They haunt you and they hint at things
'cause old lovers never fade away

It's funny how we sit here as if nothing's really changed
Her hair is longer, her eyes are sadder, her smile is just the same
It's the first time that I've seen her since it all went up in smoke
Jennifer is laughing at my same old stupid jokes

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