Bad Company
Children Of The Night

we are the children of the night, fight for the future of our nation,
lets come together and unite,
nothings gonna stop us now!

we are the children of the night,
and fight for the future of our nation,
lets come together and unite,
nothings gonna stop us now!
Let the fire burn inside,
nobody can stop this generation
cos we're the children of the night
don't ever let them put you down!

get up, get up, get up
now is the time to change
get up, get up, get up
there is no time to waste
get up, get up, get up
don't ever let them put you down
get up
come along and join the scene
live your life like a rave machine!

we are the children of the night
and fight for the future of our nation
lets come together and unite
nothings gonna stop us now!
Let the fire burn inside,
nobody can stop this generation
cos we're the children of the night
don't ever let them put you down!

get up, get up, get up
now is the time to change
get up, get up, get up
there is no time to waste
get up, get up, get up
don't ever let them put you down
get up
come along and join the scene
live your life like a rave machine!
we are the children of the night
and fight for the future of our nation
lets come together and unite
nothings gonna stop us now!
Let the fire burn inside,
nobody can stop this generation
cos we're the children of the night
don't ever let them put you down!

get up, get up, get up
now is the time to change
get up, get up, get up
there is no time to waste
get up, get up, get up
don't ever let them put you down
get up
come along and join the scene
live your life like a rave machine!

Mirror lyrics:

live your life like a rave machine!
come along and join the scene
get up
don't ever let them put you down
get up, get up, get up
there is no time to waste
get up, get up, get up
now is the time to change
get up, get up, get up

don't ever let them put you down!
cos we're the children of the night
nobody can stop this generation
Let the fire burn inside,
nothings gonna stop us now!
lets come together and unite
and fight for the future of our nation
we are the children of the night
live your life like a rave machine!
come along and join the scene
get up
don't ever let them put you down
get up, get up, get up
there is no time to waste
get up, get up, get up
now is the time to change
get up, get up, get up

don't ever let them put you down!
cos we're the children of the night
nobody can stop this generation
Let the fire burn inside,
nothings gonna stop us now!
lets come together and unite
and fight for the future of our nation
we are the children of the night

live your life like a rave machine!
come along and join the scene
get up
don't ever let them put you down
get up, get up, get up
there is no time to waste
get up, get up, get up
now is the time to change
get up, get up, get up

don't ever let them put you down!
cos we're the children of the night
nobody can stop this generation
Let the fire burn inside,
nothings gonna stop us now!
lets come together and unite,
and fight for the future of our nation,
we are the children of the night,

nothings gonna stop us now!
lets come together and unite,
we are the children of the night, fight for the future of our nation,

Relevant Tags:
CChildren OOf TThe NNight hildren f he ight hCildren fO hTe iNght fhildren kf fhe might fChildren kOf fThe mNight Cfhildren Okf Tfhe Nmight
xhildren 9f 5he hight xChildren 9Of 5The hNight Cxhildren O9f T5he Nhight vhildren 0f hhe jight vChildren 0Of hThe jNight Cvhildren O0f Thhe Njight
dhildren lf yhe bight dChildren lOf yThe bNight Cdhildren Olf Tyhe Nbight Chhildren if 6he Niight Cildren iOf 6The Nght Cihldren Oif T6he Ngiht
Cjildren Off ghe Njght Cjhildren O gThe Chjildren Of Tghe Nijght Cuildren Oc rhe N9ght Cuhildren Ocf rThe N9ight Chuildren Ofc Trhe Ni9ght
Cnildren Or Nlght Cnhildren Orf Te Nlight Chnildren Ofr Teh Nilght Cbildren Og Tje Noght Cbhildren Ogf Tjhe Noight Chbildren Ofg Thje Nioght
Cgildren Ot Tue Nkght Cghildren Otf Tuhe Nkight Chgildren Oft Thue Nikght Cyildren Ov Tne N8ght Cyhildren Ovf Tnhe N8ight Chyildren Ofv Thne Ni8ght
Chiildren Od Tbe Nught Chldren Odf Tbhe Nuight Chlidren Ofd Thbe Niught Chjldren Tge Nigght Niht Chijldren Thge Nihgt
Ch9ldren Tye Nihht Ch9ildren Nihght Chi9ldren Thye Nighht Chlldren Thee Niyht Chlildren Th Niyght Chilldren The Nigyht
Choldren Ths Nibht Choildren Thse Nibght Chioldren Thes Nigbht Chkldren Th3 Nivht Chkildren Th3e Nivght Chikldren The3 Nigvht
Ch8ldren Thf Nifht Ch8ildren Thfe Nifght Chi8ldren Thef Nigfht Chuldren Thr Nitht Thre Nitght Chiuldren Ther Nigtht
Th4 Chidren Th4e Nigt Chidlren The4 Nigth Chikdren Thd Nigjt Thde Nigjht Chilkdren Thed Nighjt
Chiodren Thw Nigut Thwe Niguht Chilodren Thew Nighut Chipdren Nignt Chipldren Nignht

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