Bad Company
If You Needed Somebody

Should have told you by now, but I can't find the words, oh no
If I could show you somehow, but I don't have the nerve, oh yeah

You don't see me looking at you, how can love be so blind
Somehow you don't notice me, sooner or later there will come a time, baby

If you needed somebody, the way that I need you
If you wanted somebody, the way that I want you

Oh yeah, the way that I want you

If I could hold you tonight, it would last me forever
But the time's never right, when will we be together, oh no

If I could make you understand, what you're doing to me
Maybe there will come a time, when sooner or later I will make you see, baby


Ooh, if I could tell you now, the way you make me feel
Ooh, if I could show you somehow, don't you know my lovin' is oh so real



(If you needed somebody) I need you, I want you, I gotta tell you
The way that I need you
And if you wanted somebody, the way that I want you...

Mirror lyrics:

And if you wanted somebody, the way that I want you...
The way that I need you
(If you needed somebody) I need you, I want you, I gotta tell you



Ooh, if I could show you somehow, don't you know my lovin' is oh so real
Ooh, if I could tell you now, the way you make me feel


Maybe there will come a time, when sooner or later I will make you see, baby
If I could make you understand, what you're doing to me

But the time's never right, when will we be together, oh no
If I could hold you tonight, it would last me forever

Oh yeah, the way that I want you

If you wanted somebody, the way that I want you
If you needed somebody, the way that I need you

Somehow you don't notice me, sooner or later there will come a time, baby
You don't see me looking at you, how can love be so blind

If I could show you somehow, but I don't have the nerve, oh yeah
Should have told you by now, but I can't find the words, oh no

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou NNeeded SSomebody f ou eeded omebody fI oYu eNeded oSmebody jf gou meeded zomebody jIf gYou mNeeded zSomebody Ijf Ygou Nmeeded Szomebody
9f hou heeded womebody 9If hYou hNeeded wSomebody I9f Yhou Nheeded Swomebody lf 6ou jeeded domebody lIf 6You jNeeded dSomebody Ilf Y6ou Njeeded Sdomebody
of uou beeded eomebody oIf uYou bNeeded eSomebody Iof Yuou Nbeeded Seomebody kf 7ou Neeeded xomebody kIf 7You Neded xSomebody Ikf Y7ou Needed Sxomebody
8f jou Nseded aomebody 8If jYou Nseeded aSomebody I8f Yjou Neseded Saomebody uf tou N3eded Soomebody uIf tYou N3eeded Smebody Iuf Ytou Ne3eded Smoebody
Iff Yoou Nfeded Skmebody I Yu Nfeeded Skomebody If Yuo Nefeded Sokmebody Ic Yku Nreded S9mebody Icf Ykou Nreeded S9omebody Ifc Yoku Nereded So9mebody
Ir Y9u N4eded S0mebody Irf Y9ou N4eeded S0omebody Ifr Yo9u Ne4eded So0mebody Ig Y0u Ndeded Slmebody Igf Y0ou Ndeeded Slomebody Ifg Yo0u Nededed Solmebody
It Ylu Nweded Simebody Itf Ylou Nweeded Siomebody Ift Yolu Neweded Soimebody Iv Yiu Sommebody Ivf Yiou Soebody Ifv Yoiu Nedeed Soembody
Id Youu Nesded Sojebody Idf Yo Sojmebody Ifd You Neesded Somjebody Yoh Ne3ded Sokebody Yohu Youh Nee3ded Somkebody
Yo7 Nefded Sonebody Yo7u Sonmebody You7 Neefded Somnebody Yok Nerded Someebody Sombody Youk Neerded Sombeody
Yoi Ne4ded Somsbody Somsebody Youi Nee4ded Somesbody Yo8 Nedded Som3body Yo8u Som3ebody You8 Needded Some3body
Yoj Newded Somfbody Yoju Somfebody Youj Neewded Somefbody Yoy Somrbody Yoyu Neeed Somrebody Youy Neeedd Somerbody
Neexed Som4body Neexded Som4ebody Needxed Some4body Neeeed Somdbody Somdebody Needeed Somedbody
Neefed Somwbody Somwebody Needfed Somewbody Neered Somebbody

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