Bad Cash Quartet
I Can Take The World

You can take the world
and that's OK
You can take the world
'cause that's your way
I can pick your eyes out

You can take the world
and that's OK
You can take the world
'cause that's your way
You can leave me behind
and that's OK
I will pick your eyes out

It is hard to see
'cause it's right here with me
and all the people that pass me today

You know you breathe much more
than I do
Breathe much more
than I do
than I do now

You can take the world
and that's OK
You can take the world
'cause that's your way
You can leave me behind
and that's OK
I can pick your eyes out

It is hard to see
'cause it's right here with me
and all the people that pass me today

You know that you breathe much more
than I do
Breathe much more
than I do
Breathe much more
than I do now
than I do now

Mirror lyrics:

than I do now
than I do now
Breathe much more
than I do
Breathe much more
than I do
You know that you breathe much more

and all the people that pass me today
'cause it's right here with me
It is hard to see

I can pick your eyes out
and that's OK
You can leave me behind
'cause that's your way
You can take the world
and that's OK
You can take the world

than I do now
than I do
Breathe much more
than I do
You know you breathe much more

and all the people that pass me today
'cause it's right here with me
It is hard to see

I will pick your eyes out
and that's OK
You can leave me behind
'cause that's your way
You can take the world
and that's OK
You can take the world

I can pick your eyes out
'cause that's your way
You can take the world
and that's OK
You can take the world

Relevant Tags:
II CCan TTake TThe WWorld an ake he orld I aCn aTke hTe oWrld j fan fake fhe aorld jI fCan fTake fThe aWorld Ij Cfan Tfake Tfhe Waorld
9 xan 5ake 5he 3orld 9I xCan 5Take 5The 3World I9 Cxan T5ake T5he W3orld l van hake hhe dorld lI vCan hTake hThe dWorld Il Cvan Thake Thhe Wdorld
o dan yake yhe eorld oI dCan yTake yThe eWorld Io Cdan Tyake Tyhe Weorld k Caan 6ake 6he sorld kI Cn 6Take 6The sWorld Ik Cna T6ake T6he Wsorld
8 Czn gake ghe 2orld 8I Czan gTake gThe 2World I8 Cazn Tgake Tghe W2orld u Cqn rake rhe qorld uI Cqan rTake rThe qWorld Iu Caqn Trake Trhe Wqorld
Csn Taake Woorld Csan Tke Te Wrld Casn Tkae Teh Wrold Cwn Tzke Tje Wkrld Cwan Tzake Tjhe Wkorld Cawn Tazke Thje Wokrld
Cxn Tqke Tue W9rld Tqake Tuhe W9orld Caxn Taqke Thue Wo9rld Cann Tske Tne W0rld Ca Tsake Tnhe W0orld Can Taske Thne Wo0rld
Cam Twke Tbe Wlrld Camn Twake Tbhe Wlorld Canm Tawke Thbe Wolrld Cah Txke Tge Wirld Cahn Txake Wiorld Canh Taxke Thge Woirld
Caj Takke Tye Worrld Cajn Tae Wold Canj Taek Thye Wolrd Cab Tale Thee Wodld Cabn Talke Th Wodrld Canb Takle The Wordld
Taoe Ths Wo4ld Taoke Thse Wo4rld

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