Bad Brains
Yout' Juice

All the time she's looking fine
Admiration ain't no crime
Jah created her great use
blessed with life yout' juice

Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth
blessed in Zion, yout' juice
Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth
blessed in Zion, yout' juice

Some may say baby go away
Batty Bwoi you're doomed today
Don't overreact like others do
turn your back on someone true
Free hold on tight
It's a very short life
Call it what you may
Don't complain
All in all it's been a life boost
Blenders from Zion
Talking about yout' juice

Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth
blessed in Zion, yout' juice
Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth
blessed in Zion, yout' juice

so all the time she's looking fine
Admiration ain't no crime
Jah created her great use
blessed with life yout' juice

Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth
blessed in Zion, yout' juice..True
Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth
blessed in Zion, yout' juice

Mirror lyrics:

blessed in Zion, yout' juice
Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth
blessed in Zion, yout' juice..True
Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth

blessed with life yout' juice
Jah created her great use
Admiration ain't no crime
so all the time she's looking fine

blessed in Zion, yout' juice
Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth
blessed in Zion, yout' juice
Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth

Talking about yout' juice
Blenders from Zion
All in all it's been a life boost
Don't complain
Call it what you may
It's a very short life
Free hold on tight
turn your back on someone true
Don't overreact like others do
Batty Bwoi you're doomed today
Some may say baby go away

blessed in Zion, yout' juice
Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth
blessed in Zion, yout' juice
Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth

blessed with life yout' juice
Jah created her great use
Admiration ain't no crime
All the time she's looking fine

Relevant Tags:
YYout' JJuice out' uice oYut' uJice gout' kuice gYout' kJuice Ygout' Jkuice hout' iuice hYout' iJuice Yhout' Jiuice 6out' muice
6Yout' mJuice Y6out' Jmuice uout' nuice uYout' nJuice Yuout' Jnuice 7out' huice 7Yout' hJuice Y7out' Jhuice jout' uuice jYout' uJuice
Yjout' Juuice tout' tYout' Jice Ytout' Jiuce Yoout' Jhice Yut' Yuot' Juhice Ykut' J7ice Ykout' J7uice Yokut' Ju7ice
Y9ut' Jkice Y9out' Yo9ut' Jukice Y0ut' Jiice Y0out' Yo0ut' Juiice Ylut' J8ice Ylout' J8uice Yolut' Ju8ice Yiut' Jjice
Yiout' Jjuice Yoiut' Jujice Youut' Jyice Yot' Jyuice Yotu' Juyice Yoht' Yohut' Juce Youht' Jucie Yo7t' Jujce

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