Bad Brains
Don't Blow Bubbles

Don't blow no bubbles
don't blow no troubles

In time before there was no cure
Now through his will it's healed for sure
It's not the weather, we've got P.M.A.

We know you can do anything
and no thought withheld from thee
So here I beseech thee
to always request and declare

Don't blow no bubbles
Don't blow no troubles
There's got to be a better way
Don't blow no spikes
Ask Jah and he'll make the change

We know you can do anything
and no thought withheld from thee
So here I beseech thee
to always request and declare

We know you can do anything
and no thought withheld from thee
So here I beseech thee
to always request and declare

Don't blow no bubbles (and we can stop the AIDS)
Don't blow no spikes
Don't blow no fudge buns
Ask Jah and he'll make the change

We know you can do anything
and no thought withheld from thee
So here I and I said to thee
to always request and declare

Mirror lyrics:

to always request and declare
So here I and I said to thee
and no thought withheld from thee
We know you can do anything

Ask Jah and he'll make the change
Don't blow no fudge buns
Don't blow no spikes
Don't blow no bubbles (and we can stop the AIDS)

to always request and declare
So here I beseech thee
and no thought withheld from thee
We know you can do anything

to always request and declare
So here I beseech thee
and no thought withheld from thee
We know you can do anything

Ask Jah and he'll make the change
Don't blow no spikes
There's got to be a better way
Don't blow no troubles
Don't blow no bubbles

to always request and declare
So here I beseech thee
and no thought withheld from thee
We know you can do anything

It's not the weather, we've got P.M.A.
Now through his will it's healed for sure
In time before there was no cure

don't blow no troubles
Don't blow no bubbles

Relevant Tags:
DDon't BBlow BBubbles on't low ubbles oDn't lBow uBbbles xon't vlow vubbles xDon't vBlow vBubbles Dxon't Bvlow Bvubbles
eon't glow gubbles eDon't gBlow gBubbles Deon't Bglow Bgubbles fon't nlow nubbles fDon't nBlow nBubbles Dfon't Bnlow Bnubbles
ron't hlow hubbles rDon't hBlow hBubbles Dron't Bhlow Bhubbles con't Bllow Buubbles cDon't Bow Bbbles Dcon't Bolw Bbubles
son't Bkow Bhbbles sDon't Bklow Dson't Blkow Buhbbles Doon't Boow B7bbles Dn't Bolow B7ubbles Dno't Bloow Bu7bbles
Dkn't Bpow Bkbbles Dkon't Bplow Bkubbles Dokn't Blpow Bukbbles D9n't Bibbles D9on't Blw Biubbles Do9n't Blwo Buibbles
D0n't Blkw B8bbles D0on't B8ubbles Do0n't Blokw Bu8bbles Dln't Bl9w Bjbbles Dlon't Bl9ow Bjubbles Doln't Blo9w Bujbbles
Din't Bl0w Bybbles Dion't Bl0ow Byubbles Doin't Blo0w Buybbles Donn't Bllw Bubbbles Do't Bubles Do'nt Blolw Bubbles
Dom't Bliw Buvbles Domn't Bliow Buvbbles Donm't Bloiw Bubvbles Doh't Bloww Bugbles Dohn't Blo Bugbbles Donh't Blow Bubgbles
Doj't Bloa Bunbles Dojn't Bloaw Bunbbles Donj't Blowa Bubnbles Dob't Blo3 Buhbles Dobn't Blo3w Donb't Blow3 Bubhbles
Don''t Blod Dont Blodw Dont' Blowd Bublbes

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