Bad Astronaut
The Passenger

Wait, planet earthquake
Planet heartbreak, give me this day
Dates pass through a maze
Are you okay? Are you awake?
Pride, yours flies to high
Yours is to great, yours is to die
I, I'm taking no side
I'm going under, for once alive
Wait, falling airplanes

Today, my worries fade away
In suspended dream state
Somehow I knew
Erase, everything stops now

And now I crash with them
I am a bank deposit
I'm held accomplice to man's will
The faith transcending reason,
The passenger descending
And in an instant time stands still
Fade, planet heartbreak
Stop thinking

Mirror lyrics:

Stop thinking
Fade, planet heartbreak
And in an instant time stands still
The passenger descending
The faith transcending reason,
I'm held accomplice to man's will
I am a bank deposit
And now I crash with them

Erase, everything stops now
Somehow I knew
In suspended dream state
Today, my worries fade away

Wait, falling airplanes
I'm going under, for once alive
I, I'm taking no side
Yours is to great, yours is to die
Pride, yours flies to high
Are you okay? Are you awake?
Dates pass through a maze
Planet heartbreak, give me this day
Wait, planet earthquake

Relevant Tags:
TThe PPassenger he assenger hTe aPssenger fhe 0assenger fThe 0Passenger Tfhe P0assenger 5he lassenger 5The lPassenger T5he Plassenger
hhe oassenger hThe oPassenger Thhe Poassenger yhe Paassenger yThe Pssenger Tyhe Psasenger 6he Pzssenger 6The Pzassenger T6he Pazssenger
ghe Pqssenger gThe Pqassenger Tghe Paqssenger rhe Psssenger rThe Psassenger Trhe Passsenger Pwssenger Te Pwassenger Teh Pawssenger
Tje Pxssenger Tjhe Pxassenger Thje Paxssenger Tue Tuhe Pasenger Thue Passenger Tne Pazsenger Tnhe Thne Paszsenger
Tbe Pawsenger Tbhe Thbe Paswsenger Tge Padsenger Padssenger Thge Pasdsenger Tye Paesenger Paessenger Thye Pasesenger
Thee Paxsenger Th The Pasxsenger Ths Paasenger Thse Thes Pasasenger Th3 Th3e The3 Pasesnger
Thf Paszenger Thfe Thef Passzenger Thr Paswenger Thre Ther Passwenger Th4 Pasdenger Th4e The4 Passdenger
Thd Paseenger Thde Thed Passeenger Thw Pasxenger Thwe Thew Passxenger Pasaenger Passaenger Passnger
Passneger Passsnger

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