Bachman Turner Overdrive
Hold Back The Water

Artist : Bachman Turner Overdrive
Title : [Hold back the water]
[Headed 'cross the border
Looking for a place to play
I left the sun behind
I don't mind
But I think that it looked like rain

Hold back the water
I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water
I gotta find time to burn

Headed west to Georgia
Looking for the road to L.A.
They say the weather's fine
But the sun don't shine
'Cause the smog's always in the way

Hold back the water
I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water (Yo!)
I gotta find time to burn

I've never played no smoker
You know I've never played no hotdog
The preacher say
I was born this way
With storm cloud in my heart

Hold back the water
I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water
I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn (Whooo)

Headed 'cross the border
Looking for a place to play
I left the sun behind
I don't mind
But I think that it looked like rain

Hold back the water
I gotta find time to burn

Hold back the water (Yo!)
I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn

Hold back the water (Hey!)
I gotta find time to burn


Mirror lyrics:


I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water (Hey!)

I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water (Yo!)

I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water

But I think that it looked like rain
I don't mind
I left the sun behind
Looking for a place to play
Headed 'cross the border

I gotta find time to burn (Whooo)
I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn
I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water
I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water

With storm cloud in my heart
I was born this way
The preacher say
You know I've never played no hotdog
I've never played no smoker

I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water (Yo!)
I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water

'Cause the smog's always in the way
But the sun don't shine
They say the weather's fine
Looking for the road to L.A.
Headed west to Georgia

I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water
I gotta find time to burn
Hold back the water

But I think that it looked like rain
I don't mind
I left the sun behind
Looking for a place to play
[Headed 'cross the border
Title : [Hold back the water]
Artist : Bachman Turner Overdrive

Relevant Tags:
HHold BBack TThe WWater old ack he ater oHld aBck hTe aWter jold vack fhe aater jHold vBack fThe aWater Hjold Bvack Tfhe Waater
uold gack 5he 3ater uHold gBack 5The 3Water Huold Bgack T5he W3ater nold nack hhe dater nHold nBack hThe dWater Hnold Bnack Thhe Wdater
bold hack yhe eater bHold hBack yThe eWater Hbold Bhack Tyhe Weater gold Baack 6he sater gHold Bck 6The sWater Hgold Bcak T6he Wsater
yold Bzck ghe 2ater yHold Bzack gThe 2Water Hyold Bazck Tghe W2ater Hoold Bqck rhe qater Hld Bqack rThe qWater Hlod Baqck Trhe Wqater
Hkld Bsck Hkold Bsack Te Wter Hokld Basck Teh Wtaer H9ld Bwck Tje Wzter H9old Bwack Tjhe Wzater Ho9ld Bawck Thje Wazter
H0ld Bxck Tue Wqter H0old Bxack Tuhe Ho0ld Baxck Thue Waqter Hlld Bacck Tne Wster Hlold Bak Tnhe Holld Bakc Thne Waster
Hild Bafk Tbe Wwter Hiold Bafck Tbhe Wwater Hoild Bacfk Thbe Wawter Baxk Tge Wxter Hod Wxater Hodl Bacxk Thge Waxter
Hokd Bavk Tye Watter Bavck Waer Holkd Bacvk Thye Waetr Hood Badk Thee Wafer Badck Th Wafter Holod Bacdk The Watfer
Hopd Backk Ths Wa5er Hopld Bac Thse Wa5ter Holpd Back Thes Wat5er Holdd Bacl Th3 Waher

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