Baby Animals
Break My Heart

Wave if you want me to notice you
Stop if you have someone else
It could be a good thing
Might be a bad thing
But you can't put your arms around a memory

Break my, break my heart
I wish, ooh, I wish you would

You've had time to waste, time to wonder
Time to become someone else
Looks could kill me,
Lies they don't pretend
You want to remember
But you can't put your arms around a memory

Break my, break my heart
Oh, I wish you would

Wasted waiting, just as white ain't black
Like trying to get you baby, ooh yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Like trying to get you baby, ooh yeah
Wasted waiting, just as white ain't black

Oh, I wish you would
Break my, break my heart

But you can't put your arms around a memory
You want to remember
Lies they don't pretend
Looks could kill me,
Time to become someone else
You've had time to waste, time to wonder

I wish, ooh, I wish you would
Break my, break my heart

But you can't put your arms around a memory
Might be a bad thing
It could be a good thing
Stop if you have someone else
Wave if you want me to notice you

Relevant Tags:
BBreak MMy HHeart reak y eart rBeak yM eHart vreak jy jeart vBreak jMy jHeart Bvreak Mjy Hjeart greak ky ueart gBreak kMy uHeart
Bgreak Mky Hueart nreak ny neart nBreak nMy nHeart Bnreak Mny Hneart hreak Myy beart hBreak M bHeart Bhreak My Hbeart Brreak Mg geart
Beak Mgy gHeart Berak Myg Hgeart Bdeak Mh yeart Bdreak Mhy yHeart Brdeak Myh Hyeart B4eak M6 Heeart B4reak M6y Hart Br4eak My6 Haert
Bgeak Mu Hsart Muy Hseart Brgeak Myu Hesart Bteak M7 H3art Btreak M7y H3eart Brteak My7 He3art B5eak Mj Hfart B5reak Hfeart
Br5eak Myj Hefart Bfeak Mt Hrart Bfreak Mty Hreart Brfeak Myt Herart Beeak H4art Bereak H4eart Breeak He4art Hdart
Brak Hdeart Braek Hedart Brsak Hwart Brseak Hweart Bresak Hewart Br3ak Heaart Br3eak Hert Bre3ak Herat
Brfak Hezrt Hezart Brefak Heazrt Brrak Heqrt

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