Love You More

You can make the sea turn purple
You can make the seeds unfertile
But you know you can never make me love you more
You can turn wine into water
Turn sadness into laughter
But you know you can never make me love you more

Let the stars fall down, let the leaves turn brown
So you know you can never make me love you more
Let the redwoods die, let the wells run dry
So you know you can never make me love you more

You can make the sea turn purple
You can make the sea turn turtle
But you know you can never make me love you more
You can turn wine into water
Turn sadness into laughter
But you know you can never make me love you more

Let the stars fall down, let the leaves turn brown
So you know you can never make me love you more
Let the redwoods die, let the wells run dry
So you know you can never make me love you more

Let the stars fall down, let the leaves turn brown
So you know you can never make me love you more
Let the redwoods dïe, let the wells run dry
So you know you can never make me love you more

Mirror lyrics:

So you know you can never make me love you more
Let the redwoods dïe, let the wells run dry
So you know you can never make me love you more
Let the stars fall down, let the leaves turn brown

So you know you can never make me love you more
Let the redwoods die, let the wells run dry
So you know you can never make me love you more
Let the stars fall down, let the leaves turn brown

But you know you can never make me love you more
Turn sadness into laughter
You can turn wine into water
But you know you can never make me love you more
You can make the sea turn turtle
You can make the sea turn purple

So you know you can never make me love you more
Let the redwoods die, let the wells run dry
So you know you can never make me love you more
Let the stars fall down, let the leaves turn brown

But you know you can never make me love you more
Turn sadness into laughter
You can turn wine into water
But you know you can never make me love you more
You can make the seeds unfertile
You can make the sea turn purple

Relevant Tags:
LLove YYou MMore ove ou ore oLve oYu oMre kove gou jore kLove gYou jMore Lkove Ygou Mjore oove hou kore oLove hYou kMore Loove Yhou Mkore
pove 6ou nore pLove 6You nMore Lpove Y6ou Mnore uou Moore Lve uYou Mre Lvoe Yuou Mroe Lkve 7ou Mkre 7You Lokve Y7ou Mokre
L9ve jou M9re L9ove jYou M9ore Lo9ve Yjou Mo9re L0ve tou M0re L0ove tYou M0ore Lo0ve Ytou Mo0re Llve Yoou Mlre Llove Yu Mlore Lolve Yuo Molre
Live Yku Mire Liove Ykou Miore Loive Yoku Moire Lovve Y9u Morre Loe Y9ou Moe Loev Yo9u Moer Lobe Y0u Mode Lobve Y0ou Modre Lovbe Yo0u Morde

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