Big Spender

The minute you walked in the joint
I could see you were a man of distinction
a real big spender
Good lookin' ,so refined
Say wouldn't you like to know what's going on in my mind
So let me right to the point
I don't pop my cork for every guy I see
Hey big spender
Spend a little time with me
Wouldn't you like to have fun fun fun
How's about a few laughs,laughs
I can show a good time
Let me show you a good time
The minute you walked in the joint
I could see you were a man of distinction
a real big spender
Good lookin', so refined
Say wouldn't you like to know whats going on in my mind
So let me get right to the point
I don't pop my cork for every guy I see
Hey big spender
Hey big spender
Hey big spender
Spend a little time with me

Mirror lyrics:

Spend a little time with me
Hey big spender
Hey big spender
Hey big spender
I don't pop my cork for every guy I see
So let me get right to the point
Say wouldn't you like to know whats going on in my mind
Good lookin', so refined
a real big spender
I could see you were a man of distinction
The minute you walked in the joint
Let me show you a good time
I can show a good time
How's about a few laughs,laughs
Wouldn't you like to have fun fun fun
Spend a little time with me
Hey big spender
I don't pop my cork for every guy I see
So let me right to the point
Say wouldn't you like to know what's going on in my mind
Good lookin' ,so refined
a real big spender
I could see you were a man of distinction
The minute you walked in the joint

Relevant Tags:
BBig SSpender ig pender iBg pSender vig zpender vBig zSpender Bvig Szpender gig wpender gBig wSpender Bgig Swpender nig dpender
nBig dSpender Bnig Sdpender hig epender hBig eSpender Bhig Sepender Biig xpender Bg xSpender Bgi Sxpender Bjg apender Bjig aSpender
Bijg Sapender B9g Sppender B9ig Sender Bi9g Sepnder Blg S0ender Blig S0pender Bilg Sp0ender Bog Slender Boig Slpender Biog Splender
Bkg Soender Bkig Sopender Bikg Spoender B8g Speender B8ig Spnder Bi8g Spneder Bug Spsnder Buig Spsender Biug Spesnder Bigg Sp3nder
Bi Sp3ender Big Spe3nder Bih Spfnder Bihg Spfender Bigh Spefnder Biy Sprnder Biyg Sprender Bigy Spernder Bib Sp4nder Bibg Sp4ender
Bigb Spe4nder Biv Spdnder Bivg Spdender Bigv Spednder Bif Spwnder Bifg Spwender Bigf Spewnder Bit Spennder Bitg Speder Bigt Spedner
Spemder Spemnder Spenmder Spehder Spehnder Spenhder

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