Take Him Back Rachel

Take him back Rachel
It's time to stop lying
When he looks at me he's dreaming of your eyes
Don't be hard Rachel
There is no denying
He was never truly happy in my arms
Take him back, oh take him back Rachel
Ignore what people say and listen to your heart
Someone up there knows it is only your silly pride
Maybe that's the best thing that ever happened to you
Sail against the wind
Against the tide
Don't say it's not right
Take him back
Take him back Rachel
He is pining for you
Just a mention of your name
His heart flutters
Don't waste time Rachel
Sure you know too
That being with him is the only thing that matters

Mirror lyrics:

That being with him is the only thing that matters
Sure you know too
Don't waste time Rachel
His heart flutters
Just a mention of your name
He is pining for you
Take him back Rachel
Take him back
Don't say it's not right
Against the tide
Sail against the wind
Maybe that's the best thing that ever happened to you
Someone up there knows it is only your silly pride
Ignore what people say and listen to your heart
Take him back, oh take him back Rachel
He was never truly happy in my arms
There is no denying
Don't be hard Rachel
When he looks at me he's dreaming of your eyes
It's time to stop lying
Take him back Rachel

Relevant Tags:
TTake HHim BBack RRachel ake im ack achel aTke iHm aBck aRchel fake jim vack dachel fTake jHim vBack dRachel Tfake Hjim Bvack Rdachel
5ake uim gack 4achel 5Take uHim gBack 4Rachel T5ake Huim Bgack R4achel hake nim nack gachel hTake nHim nBack gRachel Thake Hnim Bnack Rgachel
yake bim hack tachel yTake bHim hBack tRachel Tyake Hbim Bhack Rtachel 6ake gim Baack 5achel 6Take gHim Bck 5Rachel T6ake Hgim Bcak R5achel
gake yim Bzck fachel gTake yHim Bzack fRachel Tgake Hyim Bazck Rfachel rake Hiim Bqck eachel rTake Hm Bqack eRachel Trake Hmi Baqck Reachel
Taake Hjm Bsck Raachel Tke Bsack Rchel Tkae Hijm Basck Rcahel Tzke H9m Bwck Rzchel Tzake H9im Bwack Rzachel Tazke Hi9m Bawck Razchel
Tqke Hlm Bxck Rqchel Tqake Hlim Bxack Rqachel Taqke Hilm Baxck Raqchel Tske Hom Bacck Rschel Tsake Hoim Bak Rsachel Taske Hiom Bakc Raschel
Twke Hkm Bafk Rwchel Twake Hkim Bafck Rwachel Tawke Hikm Bacfk Rawchel Txke H8m Baxk Rxchel Txake H8im Rxachel Taxke Hi8m Bacxk Raxchel
Takke Hum Bavk Racchel Tae Bavck Rahel Taek Hium Bacvk Rahcel Tale Himm Badk Rafhel Talke Hi Badck Rafchel Takle Him Bacdk Racfhel
Taoe Hij Backk Raxhel Taoke Bac Takoe Himj Back Racxhel Tame Hik Bacl Ravhel Tamke Baclk Ravchel Takme Himk Backl Racvhel
Taje Hin Baco Radhel Tajke Hinm Bacok Radchel Takje Himn Backo Racdhel

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