Basic Element
I'll Never Let You Know

I'll never let you know I rather let you go 2x


I'll never let you know I rather let you go
The feelings that I've got is just so "damn right now"
This can not be for real
Can't tell you what I feel
I want you so damn much
I can't believe it's real

I'll never let you know I rather let you go
The feelings that I've got is just so "damn right now"

This can not be for real
Can't tell you what I feel
I want you so damn much
I can't believe it's real

I can not help I'm loving you (6x)


I'll never let you know I rather let you go
The feelings that I've got is just so damn right now
This can not be for real
Can't tell you what I feel
I want you so damn much
I can't believe it's real

I'll never let you know I rather let you go
The feelings that I've got is just so damn right now
This can not be for real
I want you so damn much I can't believe it's real

I can't believe it's real 2x
I want you so damn much I can't believe it's real
I can't believe it's real 3x

chorus 2x

I'll never let you know I rather let you go
The feelings that I've got is just so damn right now
This can not be for real
Can't tell you what I feel
I want you so damn much
I can't believe it's real

I can not help I'm loving you 6x

chorus 2x

I'll never let you know I rather let you go
The feelings that I've got is just so damn right now
This can not be for real
Can't tell you what I feel
I want you so damn much
I can't believe it's real

Mirror lyrics:

I can't believe it's real
I want you so damn much
Can't tell you what I feel
This can not be for real
The feelings that I've got is just so damn right now
I'll never let you know I rather let you go

chorus 2x

I can not help I'm loving you 6x

I can't believe it's real
I want you so damn much
Can't tell you what I feel
This can not be for real
The feelings that I've got is just so damn right now
I'll never let you know I rather let you go

chorus 2x

I can't believe it's real 3x
I want you so damn much I can't believe it's real
I can't believe it's real 2x

I want you so damn much I can't believe it's real
This can not be for real
The feelings that I've got is just so damn right now
I'll never let you know I rather let you go

I can't believe it's real
I want you so damn much
Can't tell you what I feel
This can not be for real
The feelings that I've got is just so damn right now
I'll never let you know I rather let you go


I can not help I'm loving you (6x)

I can't believe it's real
I want you so damn much
Can't tell you what I feel
This can not be for real

The feelings that I've got is just so "damn right now"
I'll never let you know I rather let you go

I can't believe it's real
I want you so damn much
Can't tell you what I feel
This can not be for real
The feelings that I've got is just so "damn right now"
I'll never let you know I rather let you go


I'll never let you know I rather let you go 2x

Relevant Tags:
II'll NNever LLet YYou KKnow 'll ever et ou now 'Ill eNver eLt oYu nKow j'll mever ket gou lnow jI'll mNever kLet gYou lKnow Ij'll Nmever Lket Ygou Klnow
9'll hever oet hou onow 9I'll hNever oLet hYou oKnow I9'll Nhever Loet Yhou Konow l'll jever pet 6ou mnow lI'll jNever pLet 6You mKnow Il'll Njever Lpet Y6ou Kmnow
o'll bever Leet uou jnow oI'll bNever Lt uYou jKnow Io'll Nbever Lte Yuou Kjnow k'll Neever Lst 7ou inow kI'll Nver Lset 7You iKnow Ik'll Nveer Lest Y7ou Kinow
8'll Nsver L3t jou Knnow 8I'll Nsever L3et jYou Kow I8'll Nesver Le3t Yjou Konw u'll N3ver Lft tou Kmow uI'll N3ever Lfet tYou Iu'll Ne3ver Left Ytou Knmow
I''ll Nfver Lrt Yoou Khow Ill Nfever Lret Yu Khnow Il'l Nefver Lert Yuo Knhow I'lll Nrver L4t Yku Kjow I'l Nrever L4et Ykou I'll Nerver Le4t Yoku Knjow
I'kl N4ver Ldt Y9u Kbow I'kll N4ever Ldet Y9ou Kbnow I'lkl Ne4ver Ledt Yo9u Knbow I'ol Ndver Lwt Y0u Knoow I'oll Ndever Lwet Y0ou Knw I'lol Nedver Lewt Yo0u Knwo
I'pl Nwver Lett Ylu Knkw I'pll Nwever Le Ylou Knkow I'lpl Newver Let Yolu Knokw Nevver Lef Yiu Kn9w Neer Yiou Kn9ow Neevr Letf Yoiu Kno9w
I'lk Neber Le5 Youu Kn0w Nebver Le5t Yo Kn0ow I'llk Nevber Let5 You Kno0w I'lo Necer Leh Yoh Knlw Necver Leht Yohu Knlow I'llo Nevcer Leth Youh Knolw

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