Bash & Pop
Making Me Sick

Well I've come back again
To where I've never left off
To the same bridge I burned
Wanted just to leap off
Well I like it so much
Want to work it real hard.
Feeling good now for nothing
Acting like a retard

Anyone could break your heart in two
Everybody's gonna sell their soul
Taking pity wouldn't know what for
You're making me sick
You're making me sick

You asked me a question
Wish you would take it back
You like a CD, well I'd
Rather play an eight-track
If there's a needle you know
Never want to be a haystack

Anyone could break your heart in two
Everybody's gonna sell their soul
Taking pity wouldn't know what for
You're making me sick
You're making me sick

Good taste knows your heroes
Spin it around
Good taste knows your heroes
Spin it around
You make me sick.

(Instrumental break)

Anyone could break your heart in two
Everybody's gonna sell their soul
Taking pity wouldn't know what for
You're making me sick
You're making me sick
You're just making me sick
You're making me sick

Mirror lyrics:

You're making me sick
You're just making me sick
You're making me sick
You're making me sick
Taking pity wouldn't know what for
Everybody's gonna sell their soul
Anyone could break your heart in two

(Instrumental break)

You make me sick.
Spin it around
Good taste knows your heroes
Spin it around
Good taste knows your heroes

You're making me sick
You're making me sick
Taking pity wouldn't know what for
Everybody's gonna sell their soul
Anyone could break your heart in two

Never want to be a haystack
If there's a needle you know
Rather play an eight-track
You like a CD, well I'd
Wish you would take it back
You asked me a question

You're making me sick
You're making me sick
Taking pity wouldn't know what for
Everybody's gonna sell their soul
Anyone could break your heart in two

Acting like a retard
Feeling good now for nothing
Want to work it real hard.
Well I like it so much
Wanted just to leap off
To the same bridge I burned
To where I've never left off
Well I've come back again

Relevant Tags:
MMaking MMe SSick aking e ick aMking eM iSck jaking je zick jMaking jMe zSick Mjaking Mje Szick kaking ke wick kMaking kMe wSick
Mkaking Mke Swick naking ne dick nMaking nMe dSick Mnaking Mne Sdick Maaking Mee eick Mking M eSick Mkaing Me Seick Mzking Ms xick
Mzaking Mse xSick Mazking Mes Sxick Mqking M3 aick Mqaking M3e aSick Maqking Me3 Saick Msking Mf Siick Msaking Mfe Sck Masking Mef Scik
Mwking Mr Sjck Mwaking Mre Sjick Mawking Mer Sijck Mxking M4 S9ck Mxaking M4e S9ick Maxking Me4 Si9ck Makking Md Slck Maing Mde Slick
Maikng Med Silck Maling Mw Sock Malking Mwe Soick Makling Mew Siock Maoing Skck Maoking Skick Makoing Sikck Maming S8ck
Mamking S8ick Makming Si8ck Majing Suck Majking Suick Makjing Siuck Maiing Sicck Maiking Sik Makiing Sikc
Sifk Makng Sifck

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