Baba B
If You're Not Here

Gotta catch that plane at 7:30,
Why haven't you come to say goodbye?
Time is running out and I'm still waiting,
I'm so lost without you, I could die.
Yesterday you said you loved me-
Everything seemed to be fine,
Today you're not here, I'm so lonely-
It's the waiting that's driving me out of my mind!

Don't know how I'll sing in that big city,
How can I perform if you're not there?
This will be the worst of all my journeys,
The image of your face will follow me everywhere...

I need your tender kisses,
The feel of your hands, your caress-
Your perfume has me burning,
My heart's yearning to touch you
I miss you so much!

If you're not here, by my side,
Can't hold back the tears,
I try to hide...
Don't think I can take it,
I know I won't make it,
Make it without you...

If you're not here, by my side,
Only your love keeps me alive.
No sense in dreaming,
My life has no meaning,
If you're not here.

I need your tender kisses
The feel of your hands, your caress
Your perfume has me burning
My heart is yearning to touch you
I need you so much

If you're not here, by my side
Can't hold back the tears
I try to hide
Don't think I can take it
I know I won't make it
Make it withou you

If you're not here, by my side
Only your love keeps me alive
No sense in dreaming
My life has no meaning
If you're not here

Mirror lyrics:

If you're not here
My life has no meaning
No sense in dreaming
Only your love keeps me alive
If you're not here, by my side

Make it withou you
I know I won't make it
Don't think I can take it
I try to hide
Can't hold back the tears
If you're not here, by my side

I need you so much
My heart is yearning to touch you
Your perfume has me burning
The feel of your hands, your caress
I need your tender kisses

If you're not here.
My life has no meaning,
No sense in dreaming,
Only your love keeps me alive.
If you're not here, by my side,

Make it without you...
I know I won't make it,
Don't think I can take it,
I try to hide...
Can't hold back the tears,
If you're not here, by my side,

I miss you so much!
My heart's yearning to touch you
Your perfume has me burning,
The feel of your hands, your caress-
I need your tender kisses,

The image of your face will follow me everywhere...
This will be the worst of all my journeys,
How can I perform if you're not there?
Don't know how I'll sing in that big city,

It's the waiting that's driving me out of my mind!
Today you're not here, I'm so lonely-
Everything seemed to be fine,
Yesterday you said you loved me-
I'm so lost without you, I could die.
Time is running out and I'm still waiting,
Why haven't you come to say goodbye?
Gotta catch that plane at 7:30,

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou're NNot HHere f ou're ot ere fI oYu're oNt eHre jf gou're mot jere jIf gYou're mNot jHere Ijf Ygou're Nmot Hjere
9f hou're hot uere 9If hYou're hNot uHere I9f Yhou're Nhot Huere lf 6ou're jot nere lIf 6You're jNot nHere Ilf Y6ou're Njot Hnere
of uou're bot bere oIf uYou're bNot bHere Iof Yuou're Nbot Hbere kf 7ou're Noot gere kIf 7You're Nt gHere Ikf Y7ou're Nto Hgere
8f jou're Nkt yere 8If jYou're Nkot yHere I8f Yjou're Nokt Hyere uf tou're N9t Heere uIf tYou're N9ot Hre Iuf Ytou're No9t Hree
Iff Yoou're N0t Hsre I Yu're N0ot Hsere If Yuo're No0t Hesre Ic Yku're Nlt H3re Icf Ykou're Nlot H3ere Ifc Yoku're Nolt He3re
Ir Y9u're Nit Hfre Irf Y9ou're Niot Hfere Ifr Yo9u're Noit Hefre Ig Y0u're Nott Hrre Igf Y0ou're No Hrere Ifg Yo0u're Not Herre
It Ylu're Nof H4re Itf Ylou're Noft H4ere Ift Yolu're Notf He4re Iv Yiu're No5 Hdre Ivf Yiou're No5t Hdere Ifv Yoiu're Not5 Hedre
Id Youu're Noh Hwre Idf Yo're Noht Hwere Ifd Yo'ure Noth Hewre Yoh're Noy Yohu're Noyt Hee Youh're Noty Heer
Yo7're No6 Hede Yo7u're No6t You7're Not6 Herde Yok're Nog He4e Nogt Youk're Notg Her4e
Yoi're Nor Hege

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