Get'cha Head In The Game

Coach said to fake right
break left
Watch out for the pick
And keep an eye on the defense
You gotta run the give and go
take the ball to the hole(like a old school pro)
He said don't be afraid(What'cha waitin' on)
To shoot the outside "J"

I gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game

Gotta get'cha get'cha head in the game
We gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game
(repeat 4x)

Let's make sure that we get the rebound
Cuz when we get it then the crowd will go wild
A second chance gotta grab it and go
And maybe this time we'll hit the right notes

Wait a minute put your head in the game,Oh
(repeat 3x)

Gotta get'cha get'cha head in the game
We gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game
(repeat 4x)

Why am I feeling so wrong
My head is in the game
But my heart's in the song
She makes me feel so right

Should I go for it
Better shake this

Should I take the ball down the
middle then I shoot the shot
I move fast when I dribble watch out for
the block I lose focus when I think of her name
I gotta get, get my head in the game
does she think about me does she feel the
same way should I shoot for a dream gotta
stay in game play, I think I'm going insane
can't get her outta my brain

Gotta get'cha get'cha head in the game
gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game

Gotta get'cha get'cha head in the game
We gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game
(repeat 8x)

Mirror lyrics:

(repeat 8x)
We gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game
Gotta get'cha get'cha head in the game

gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game
Gotta get'cha get'cha head in the game

can't get her outta my brain
stay in game play, I think I'm going insane
same way should I shoot for a dream gotta
does she think about me does she feel the
I gotta get, get my head in the game
the block I lose focus when I think of her name
I move fast when I dribble watch out for
middle then I shoot the shot
Should I take the ball down the

Better shake this
Should I go for it

She makes me feel so right
But my heart's in the song
My head is in the game
Why am I feeling so wrong

(repeat 4x)
We gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game
Gotta get'cha get'cha head in the game

(repeat 3x)
Wait a minute put your head in the game,Oh

And maybe this time we'll hit the right notes
A second chance gotta grab it and go
Cuz when we get it then the crowd will go wild
Let's make sure that we get the rebound

(repeat 4x)
We gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game
Gotta get'cha get'cha head in the game

I gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game

To shoot the outside "J"
He said don't be afraid(What'cha waitin' on)
take the ball to the hole(like a old school pro)
You gotta run the give and go
And keep an eye on the defense
Watch out for the pick
break left
Coach said to fake right

Relevant Tags:
GGet'cha HHead IIn TThe GGame et'cha ead n he ame eGt'cha eHad nI hTe aGme het'cha jead jn fhe hame hGet'cha jHead jIn fThe hGame Ghet'cha Hjead Ijn Tfhe Ghame
yet'cha uead 9n 5he yame yGet'cha uHead 9In 5The yGame Gyet'cha Huead I9n T5he Gyame bet'cha nead ln hhe bame bGet'cha nHead lIn hThe bGame Gbet'cha Hnead Iln Thhe Gbame
vet'cha bead on yhe vame vGet'cha bHead oIn yThe vGame Gvet'cha Hbead Ion Tyhe Gvame fet'cha gead kn 6he fame fGet'cha gHead kIn 6The fGame Gfet'cha Hgead Ikn T6he Gfame
tet'cha yead 8n ghe tame tGet'cha yHead 8In gThe tGame Gtet'cha Hyead I8n Tghe Gtame Geet'cha Heead un rhe Gaame Gt'cha Had uIn rThe Gme Gte'cha Haed Iun Trhe Gmae
Gst'cha Hsad Inn Gzme Gset'cha Hsead I Te Gzame Gest'cha Hesad In Teh Gazme G3t'cha H3ad Im Tje Gqme G3et'cha H3ead Imn Tjhe Gqame Ge3t'cha He3ad Inm Thje Gaqme
Gft'cha Hfad Ih Tue Gsme Hfead Ihn Tuhe Gsame Geft'cha Hefad Inh Thue Gasme Grt'cha Hrad Ij Tne Gwme Gret'cha Hread Tnhe Gwame Gert'cha Herad Inj Thne Gawme
G4t'cha H4ad Ib Tbe Gxme G4et'cha H4ead Ibn Tbhe Gxame Ge4t'cha He4ad Inb Thbe Gaxme Gdt'cha Hdad Tge Gamme Gdet'cha Hdead Gae Gedt'cha Hedad Thge Gaem
Gwt'cha Hwad Tye Gaje Gwet'cha Hwead Gajme Gewt'cha Hewad Thye Gamje Gett'cha Heaad Thee Gake Ge'cha Hed Th Gakme Ge'tcha Heda The Gamke
Gef'cha Hezd Ths Gane Hezad Thse Ganme Getf'cha Heazd Thes Gamne Ge5'cha Heqd Th3 Gamee Ge5t'cha Heqad Th3e Gam Get5'cha Heaqd The3 Game
Geh'cha Hesd Thf Gams Geht'cha Thfe Gamse Geth'cha Heasd Thef Games Gey'cha Hewd Thr Gam3 Geyt'cha Thre Gam3e Gety'cha Heawd Ther Game3
Ge6'cha Hexd Th4 Gamf Ge6t'cha Hexad Th4e Gamfe

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