B 52's
6060 842


Tina went to the Lady's room
Saw written on the wall
"If you'd like a very nice time
Just give this number a call"

It was 6060-842
606 and I'm waitin' for you
606 and I'm waitin' for you

Tina reached in her pocketbook
Pulled out a thin dime
Dropped it in the phone slot
Prayin' she'd get the line

It was 6060-842
606 and I'm waitin' for you
606 and I'm waitin' for you

Dial the number to call
Get no answer at all
Dime's in the slot
Ready to trot

Uh, 6060-842
I've been tryin' all day
And I'm makin' no headway
Operator, what's wrong?
I dial stupid number all day long

Operator said,
Your number's been disconnected
Your number's been disconnected
Your number's been disconnected
Your number's been disconnected

I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

Mirror lyrics:

I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

Your number's been disconnected
Your number's been disconnected
Your number's been disconnected
Your number's been disconnected
Operator said,

I dial stupid number all day long
Operator, what's wrong?
And I'm makin' no headway
I've been tryin' all day
Uh, 6060-842

Ready to trot
Dime's in the slot
Get no answer at all
Dial the number to call

606 and I'm waitin' for you
606 and I'm waitin' for you
It was 6060-842

Prayin' she'd get the line
Dropped it in the phone slot
Pulled out a thin dime
Tina reached in her pocketbook

606 and I'm waitin' for you
606 and I'm waitin' for you
It was 6060-842

Just give this number a call"
"If you'd like a very nice time
Saw written on the wall
Tina went to the Lady's room


Relevant Tags:
66060 8842 060 42 0660 482 7060 942 76060 9842 67060 8942 t060 u42 t6060 u842 6t060 8u42 y060 i42 y6060 i842
6y060 8i42 5060 742 56060 7842 65060 8742 60060 8442 660 82 6600 824 6p60 852 6p060 8542 60p60 8452 6960 8e2
69060 8e42 60960 84e2 6o60 8r2 6o060 8r42 60o60 84r2

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