B.b. Queen
A Kind Of Magic (full Live Version)

One dream, one soul, one prize
One goal, one golden glance, of what should be
It's a kind of magic
One shaft of light that shows the way
No mortal man can win the day
It's a kind of magic

The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time
The waiting seemed eternity
The day has dawned of sanity

Is this, is this
A kind, a kind
Both: Of magic
It's a kind of magic
Both: There can be only one
This dream will last a thousand years
Both: We will live on

This flame that burns inside of me
I'm hearing secret harmonies
It's a kind of magic
I ring, I ring the bell inside their minds
Both: We're challenging the doors of time
It's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic

This is this is
A kind a kind
Of magic

There can, there can
All: Be only one

Both: This quest that shapes a thousand years
Will soon be will soon be
Will soon be will soon be
Both: Will soon be done
All: Now we are one

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, yeah, yeah

All: Now we are one
Both: Will soon be done
Will soon be will soon be
Will soon be will soon be
Both: This quest that shapes a thousand years

All: Be only one
There can, there can

Of magic
A kind a kind
This is this is

It's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
Both: We're challenging the doors of time
I ring, I ring the bell inside their minds
It's a kind of magic
I'm hearing secret harmonies
This flame that burns inside of me

Both: We will live on
This dream will last a thousand years
Both: There can be only one
It's a kind of magic
Both: Of magic
A kind, a kind
Is this, is this

The day has dawned of sanity
The waiting seemed eternity
Is challenging the doors of time
The bell that rings inside your mind

It's a kind of magic
No mortal man can win the day
One shaft of light that shows the way
It's a kind of magic
One goal, one golden glance, of what should be
One dream, one soul, one prize

Relevant Tags:
AA KKind OOf MMagic ((full LLive VVersion) ind f agic full ive ersion) A iKnd fO aMgic f(ull iLve eVrsion) z lind kf jagic (ffull kive bersion) zA lKind kOf jMagic (ull kLive bVersion)
Az Klind Okf Mjagic (ufll Lkive Vbersion) q oind 9f kagic (cull oive cersion) qA oKind 9Of kMagic (cfull oLive cVersion) Aq Koind O9f Mkagic (fcull Loive Vcersion) s mind 0f nagic (rull pive gersion)
sA mKind 0Of nMagic (rfull pLive gVersion) As Kmind O0f Mnagic (frull Lpive Vgersion) w jind lf Maagic (gull Liive fersion) wA jKind lOf Mgic (gfull Lve fVersion) Aw Kjind Olf Mgaic (fgull Lvie Vfersion)
x iind if Mzgic (tull Ljve Veersion) xA iKind iOf Mzagic (tfull Ljive Vrsion) Ax Kiind Oif Mazgic (ftull Lijve Vresion) Off Mqgic (vull L9ve Vsrsion) Knd O Mqagic (vfull L9ive Vsersion)
Knid Of Maqgic (fvull Li9ve Vesrsion) Kjnd Oc Msgic (dull Llve V3rsion) Ocf Msagic (dfull Llive V3ersion) Kijnd Ofc Masgic (fdull Lilve Ve3rsion) K9nd Or Mwgic (fuull Love Vfrsion)
K9ind Orf Mwagic (fll Ki9nd Ofr Mawgic (flul Liove Vefrsion) Klnd Og Mxgic (fhll Lkve Vrrsion) Ogf Mxagic (fhull Vrersion) Kilnd Ofg Maxgic (fuhll Likve Verrsion)
Kond Ot Maggic (f7ll L8ve V4rsion) Otf Maic (f7ull L8ive V4ersion) Kiond Oft Maigc (fu7ll Li8ve Ve4rsion) Kknd Ov Mahic (fkll Luve Vdrsion) Kkind Ovf Mahgic (fkull Luive Vdersion)
Kiknd Ofv Maghic (fukll Liuve Vedrsion) K8nd Od Mayic (fill Livve Vwrsion) K8ind Odf Maygic (fiull Lie Vwersion) Ki8nd Ofd Magyic (fuill Liev Vewrsion) Kund Mabic (f8ll Libe
Kuind Mabgic (f8ull Libve Vesion) Kiund Magbic (fu8ll Livbe Vesrion) Kinnd Mavic (fjll Lice Vedsion) Kid Mavgic (fjull Licve Kidn Magvic (fujll Livce Verdsion)
Kimd Mafic (fyll Lige Ve4sion) Kimnd Mafgic (fyull Ligve Kinmd Magfic (fuyll Livge Ver4sion) Kihd Matic (fulll Life Vegsion) Kihnd Matgic (ful Lifve Vegrsion)
Kinhd Magtic (full Livfe Vergsion) Kijd Magiic (fukl Livee Vetsion) Magc Liv Vetrsion) Kinjd Magci (fulkl Live Vertsion) Kibd Magjc (fuol Livs Ve5sion)
Kibnd Magjic (fuoll Livse Ve5rsion) Kinbd Magijc (fulol Lives Ver5sion) Kindd Mag9c (fupl Liv3 Vefsion) Kin Mag9ic (fupll Liv3e Kind Magi9c (fulpl Live3 Verfsion)
Kinx Maglc Livf Veesion) Kinxd Maglic Kindx Magilc Livef Veresion) Kine Magoc (fulk Livr Verssion) Kined Magoic Livre Verion)
Kinde Magioc (fullk Liver Verison)

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