Ben Jelen
Not My Plan

Every day I write the book
And how the story changes
The people come and go
The feelings stay the same

Tell me what's wrong
Show me the moon that I fell from
Help me to find where I belong
Here on this earth

It's getting harder to return
All the lessons I have learned
The knowledge I have gained
Somehow the tables turned

Was I lost out in space?
Was I looking to find an altered state?
Wanting to save the human race?
Here on this earth

I weighted it down
Across my heart
But when I fell back
I had no start

I have to pretend
To make my amends
But I must admit

This was not my plan
This was not my plan
This was not my way at all
This was not my plan

Mirror lyrics:

This was not my plan
This was not my way at all
This was not my plan
This was not my plan

But I must admit
To make my amends
I have to pretend

I had no start
But when I fell back
Across my heart
I weighted it down

Here on this earth
Wanting to save the human race?
Was I looking to find an altered state?
Was I lost out in space?

Somehow the tables turned
The knowledge I have gained
All the lessons I have learned
It's getting harder to return

Here on this earth
Help me to find where I belong
Show me the moon that I fell from
Tell me what's wrong

The feelings stay the same
The people come and go
And how the story changes
Every day I write the book

Relevant Tags:
NNot MMy PPlan ot y lan oNt yM lPan mot jy 0lan mNot jMy 0Plan Nmot Mjy P0lan hot ky llan hNot kMy lPlan Nhot Mky Pllan jot ny olan
jNot nMy oPlan Njot Mny Polan bot Myy bNot M Pan Nbot My Paln Noot Mg Pkan Nt Mgy Pklan Nto Myg Plkan Nkt Mh Poan Nkot Mhy
Nokt Myh Ploan N9t M6 Ppan N9ot M6y Pplan No9t My6 Plpan N0t Mu Plaan N0ot Muy Pln No0t Myu Plna Nlt M7 Plzn Nlot M7y Plzan

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