Ben Rector
And Then You Love Someone

He said "John I do believe I've seen Virginia to the end
I find myself about as far as I can go
It culminated late last night
From pointed fingers starting fires that burned since years ago
We've fallen out of love."

I said "friend, you learn to love to feel the words you hate to hear
Just shut your mouth and then the truth comes stinging clear
You find you're wrong and it's your problems all along
And then you love someone, but not 'til then
You love someone"

Haunted by computer screens
The world around him
Grass was greener on the other end
She could see it in his eyes
The love had left and it had died
And she was left that way
With nothing left for her to say

So she said "Love, you learn to love to feel the words you hate to hear
Just shut your mouth and then the truth comes stinging clear
You find you're wrong and it's your problems all along
And then you love someone but not 'til then
You love 'til then you love."

It took love to finally see the pointed fingers back at me
A silent mouth, a broken heart, a sword retired.
A silent mouth, a broken heart, a sword retired.

So a sword retired
It's a sword retired
Yes a sword retired
It's a sword retired

I said "Friend, you learn to love to feel the words you hate to hear
Just shut your mouth and then the truth comes stinging clear
You find you're wrong and it's your problems all along
And then you love someone but not 'til then
You love someone"

Mirror lyrics:

You love someone"
And then you love someone but not 'til then
You find you're wrong and it's your problems all along
Just shut your mouth and then the truth comes stinging clear
I said "Friend, you learn to love to feel the words you hate to hear

It's a sword retired
Yes a sword retired
It's a sword retired
So a sword retired

A silent mouth, a broken heart, a sword retired.
A silent mouth, a broken heart, a sword retired.
It took love to finally see the pointed fingers back at me

You love 'til then you love."
And then you love someone but not 'til then
You find you're wrong and it's your problems all along
Just shut your mouth and then the truth comes stinging clear
So she said "Love, you learn to love to feel the words you hate to hear

With nothing left for her to say
And she was left that way
The love had left and it had died
She could see it in his eyes
Grass was greener on the other end
The world around him
Haunted by computer screens

You love someone"
And then you love someone, but not 'til then
You find you're wrong and it's your problems all along
Just shut your mouth and then the truth comes stinging clear
I said "friend, you learn to love to feel the words you hate to hear

We've fallen out of love."
From pointed fingers starting fires that burned since years ago
It culminated late last night
I find myself about as far as I can go
He said "John I do believe I've seen Virginia to the end

Relevant Tags:
AAnd TThen YYou LLove SSomeone nd hen ou ove omeone nAd hTen oYu oLve oSmeone znd fhen gou kove zomeone zAnd fThen gYou kLove zSomeone
Aznd Tfhen Ygou Lkove Szomeone qnd 5hen hou oove womeone qAnd 5Then hYou oLove wSomeone Aqnd T5hen Yhou Loove Swomeone snd hhen 6ou pove domeone
sAnd hThen 6You pLove dSomeone Asnd Thhen Y6ou Lpove Sdomeone wnd yhen uou eomeone wAnd yThen uYou Lve eSomeone Awnd Tyhen Yuou Lvoe Seomeone
xnd 6hen 7ou Lkve xomeone xAnd 6Then 7You xSomeone Axnd T6hen Y7ou Lokve Sxomeone Annd ghen jou L9ve aomeone Ad gThen jYou L9ove aSomeone
Adn Tghen Yjou Lo9ve Saomeone Amd rhen tou L0ve Soomeone Amnd rThen tYou L0ove Smeone Anmd Trhen Ytou Lo0ve Smoeone Ahd Yoou Llve Skmeone
Ahnd Ten Yu Llove Skomeone Anhd Tehn Yuo Lolve Sokmeone Ajd Tjen Yku Live S9meone Ajnd Tjhen Ykou Liove S9omeone Anjd Thjen Yoku Loive So9meone
Abd Tuen Y9u Lovve S0meone Abnd Tuhen Y9ou Loe S0omeone Anbd Thuen Yo9u Loev So0meone Andd Tnen Y0u Lobe Slmeone An Tnhen Y0ou Lobve Slomeone
And Thnen Yo0u Lovbe Solmeone Anx Tben Ylu Loce Simeone Anxd Tbhen Ylou Locve Siomeone Andx Thben Yolu Lovce Soimeone Ane Tgen Yiu Loge Sommeone
Aned Yiou Logve Soeone Ande Thgen Yoiu Lovge Soemone Anf Tyen Youu Lofe Sojeone Anfd Yo Lofve Sojmeone Andf Thyen You Lovfe Somjeone
Anr Theen Yoh Lovee Sokeone Anrd Thn Yohu Lov Andr Thne Youh Love Somkeone Anc Thsn Yo7 Lovs Soneone Ancd Thsen Yo7u Lovse Sonmeone
Andc Thesn You7 Loves Somneone Ans Th3n Yok Lov3 Someeone Ansd Th3en Lov3e Somone Ands The3n Youk Love3 Somoene Thfn Yoi Lovf Somsone
Thfen Somseone Thefn Youi Lovef Somesone Thrn Yo8 Lovr Som3one Thren Yo8u Lovre Som3eone Thern You8 Lover Some3one
Th4n Yoj Lov4 Somfone Th4en Yoju Lov4e Somfeone The4n Youj Love4 Somefone Thdn Yoy Lovd Somrone Thden Yoyu Lovde Somreone
Thedn Youy Loved Somerone

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