April Wine
What Ever It Takes

With all my heart, i'm in love with you
If you know me, you know it's true
I won't play around, the way that others do
And i can only say, i'll dedicate my life to you

Whatever it takes, i'll take my time with you
Whatever it means, i mean to see it through

To feel this way, and to know it's right
A sense of peace, when you hold me tight
We understand, all that love could be
To know you care, to know how much you mean to me

Whatever it takes, i'll take my time with you
Whatever it means, i mean to see it through

To fall to pieces, would go against the rules
And for all we know, this feeling will show
I believe our love will grow

Whatever it takes, i'll take my time with you
Whatever your dreams, i'll share those dreams with you
Wherever this leads, i'll walk that road with you
Whatever it takes, i'll take my time with you
Whatever it means, i mean to see it through
Whatever it takes, i'll take my time with you

Mirror lyrics:

Whatever it takes, i'll take my time with you
Whatever it means, i mean to see it through
Whatever it takes, i'll take my time with you
Wherever this leads, i'll walk that road with you
Whatever your dreams, i'll share those dreams with you
Whatever it takes, i'll take my time with you

I believe our love will grow
And for all we know, this feeling will show
To fall to pieces, would go against the rules

Whatever it means, i mean to see it through
Whatever it takes, i'll take my time with you

To know you care, to know how much you mean to me
We understand, all that love could be
A sense of peace, when you hold me tight
To feel this way, and to know it's right

Whatever it means, i mean to see it through
Whatever it takes, i'll take my time with you

And i can only say, i'll dedicate my life to you
I won't play around, the way that others do
If you know me, you know it's true
With all my heart, i'm in love with you

Relevant Tags:
WWhat EEver IIt TTakes hat ver t akes hWat vEer tI aTkes ahat sver jt fakes aWhat sEver jIt fTakes Wahat Esver Ijt Tfakes
3hat 3ver 9t 5akes 3What 3Ever 9It 5Takes W3hat E3ver I9t T5akes dhat fver lt hakes dWhat fEver lIt hTakes Wdhat Efver Ilt Thakes
ehat rver ot yakes eWhat rEver oIt yTakes Wehat Erver Iot Tyakes shat 4ver kt 6akes sWhat 4Ever kIt 6Takes Wshat E4ver Ikt T6akes
2hat dver 8t gakes 2What dEver 8It gTakes W2hat Edver I8t Tgakes qhat wver ut rakes qWhat wEver uIt rTakes Wqhat Ewver Iut Trakes
Whhat Evver Itt Taakes Wat Eer I Tkes Waht Eevr It Tkaes Wjat Eber If Tzkes Wjhat Ebver Ift Tzakes Whjat Evber Itf Tazkes
Wuat Ecer I5 Tqkes Wuhat Ecver I5t Tqakes Whuat Evcer It5 Taqkes Wnat Eger Ih Tskes Wnhat Egver Iht Tsakes Whnat Evger Ith Taskes
Wbat Efer Iy Twkes Wbhat Iyt Twakes Whbat Evfer Ity Tawkes Wgat Eveer I6 Txkes Wghat Evr I6t Txakes Whgat Evre It6 Taxkes
Wyat Evsr Ig Takkes Wyhat Evser Igt Taes Whyat Evesr Itg Taeks Whaat Ev3r Ir Tales Wht Ev3er Irt Talkes Whta Eve3r Itr Takles
Whzt Evfr Taoes Whzat Taokes Whazt Evefr Takoes

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