Requiem For The Masses

Requiem aeter~nam, requiem aeter~~nam

Mama, mama, forget your pies
Have faith they won't get cold
And turn your eyes to the bloodshot sky
Your flag is flying full
At half-mast
For the matadors
Who turned their backs
To please the crowd
And all fell before the bull

Red was the color of his blood flowing thin
Pallid white was the color of his lifeless skin
Blue was the color of the morning sky
He saw looking up from the ground where he died
It was the last thing ever seen by him

Kyrie elei~son

Mama, mama, forget your pies
Have faith they won't get cold
And turn your eyes to the bloodshot sky
Your flag is flying full
At half-mast
For the matadors
Who turned their backs
To please the crowd
And all fell before the bull

Black and white were the figures that recorded him
Black and white was the newsprint he was mentioned in
Black and white was the question that so bothered him
He never asked, he was taught not to ask
What was on his lips as they buried him

Rex tremendae majestatis

Requiem aeter~nam, requiem aeter~~nam

Mirror lyrics:

Requiem aeter~nam, requiem aeter~~nam

Rex tremendae majestatis

What was on his lips as they buried him
He never asked, he was taught not to ask
Black and white was the question that so bothered him
Black and white was the newsprint he was mentioned in
Black and white were the figures that recorded him

And all fell before the bull
To please the crowd
Who turned their backs
For the matadors
At half-mast
Your flag is flying full
And turn your eyes to the bloodshot sky
Have faith they won't get cold
Mama, mama, forget your pies

Kyrie elei~son

It was the last thing ever seen by him
He saw looking up from the ground where he died
Blue was the color of the morning sky
Pallid white was the color of his lifeless skin
Red was the color of his blood flowing thin

And all fell before the bull
To please the crowd
Who turned their backs
For the matadors
At half-mast
Your flag is flying full
And turn your eyes to the bloodshot sky
Have faith they won't get cold
Mama, mama, forget your pies

Requiem aeter~nam, requiem aeter~~nam

Relevant Tags:
RRequiem FFor TThe MMasses equiem or he asses eRquiem oFr hTe aMsses dequiem cor fhe jasses dRequiem cFor fThe jMasses Rdequiem Fcor Tfhe Mjasses
4equiem ror 5he kasses 4Requiem rFor 5The kMasses R4equiem Fror T5he Mkasses gequiem gor hhe nasses gRequiem gFor hThe nMasses Rgequiem Fgor Thhe Mnasses
tequiem tor yhe Maasses tRequiem tFor yThe Msses Rtequiem Ftor Tyhe Msases 5equiem vor 6he Mzsses 5Requiem vFor 6The Mzasses R5equiem Fvor T6he Mazsses
fequiem dor ghe Mqsses fRequiem dFor gThe Mqasses Rfequiem Fdor Tghe Maqsses eequiem Foor rhe Mssses eRequiem Fr rThe Msasses Reequiem Fro Trhe Massses
Fkr Mwsses Rquiem Fkor Te Mwasses Rqeuiem Fokr Teh Mawsses Rsquiem F9r Tje Mxsses Rsequiem F9or Tjhe Mxasses Resquiem Fo9r Thje Maxsses
R3quiem F0r Tue R3equiem F0or Tuhe Mases Re3quiem Fo0r Thue Masses Rfquiem Flr Tne Mazses Flor Tnhe Refquiem Folr Thne Maszses
Rrquiem Fir Tbe Mawses Rrequiem Fior Tbhe Rerquiem Foir Thbe Maswses R4quiem Forr Tge Madses Fo Madsses Re4quiem For Thge Masdses
Rdquiem Fod Tye Maeses Fodr Maesses Redquiem Ford Thye Maseses Rwquiem Fo4 Thee Maxses Rwequiem Fo4r Th Rewquiem For4 The Masxses
Reqquiem Fog Ths Maases Reuiem Fogr Thse Reuqiem Forg Thes Masases Reauiem Fot Th3 Reaquiem Fotr Th3e Reqauiem Fort The3 Masess
Re2uiem Fo5 Thf Maszes Re2quiem Fo5r Thfe Req2uiem For5 Thef Masszes Rewuiem Fof Thr Maswes Fofr Thre Reqwuiem Forf Ther Masswes
Resuiem Foe Th4 Masdes Foer Th4e Reqsuiem Fore The4 Massdes Re1uiem Thd Masees Re1quiem Thde Req1uiem Thed Massees
Requuiem Thw Masxes Reqiem Thwe Reqiuem Thew Massxes Reqhiem Masaes

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