Assemblage 23
Underneath The Ice

I can feel the violence
Spill across the floor
Mys eyes have grown too clouded
To see it anymore

Fading into nothing
Turning into steam
Left in desparation
With nothing to redeem

Underneath the ice I find
A place to rest my weary mind
The cold deep water numbs my pain
Until I can face myself again

Waiting for redemption
That never seems to come
Hands reach beneath the surface
But I don't know where from

I'm not ready to return yet
I just need a moment more
So I can try to remember
What it is I came here for


Sinking Fast
Too dark to see
The buzzing din
Envelopes me
Too late now
Nowhere to go
I'm sinking in
The undertow

Mirror lyrics:

The undertow
I'm sinking in
Nowhere to go
Too late now
Envelopes me
The buzzing din
Too dark to see
Sinking Fast


What it is I came here for
So I can try to remember
I just need a moment more
I'm not ready to return yet

But I don't know where from
Hands reach beneath the surface
That never seems to come
Waiting for redemption

Until I can face myself again
The cold deep water numbs my pain
A place to rest my weary mind
Underneath the ice I find

With nothing to redeem
Left in desparation
Turning into steam
Fading into nothing

To see it anymore
Mys eyes have grown too clouded
Spill across the floor
I can feel the violence

Relevant Tags:
UUnderneath TThe IIce nderneath he ce nUderneath hTe cIe hnderneath fhe jce hUnderneath fThe jIce Uhnderneath Tfhe Ijce
7nderneath 5he 9ce 7Underneath 5The 9Ice U7nderneath T5he I9ce knderneath hhe lce kUnderneath hThe lIce Uknderneath Thhe Ilce
inderneath yhe oce iUnderneath yThe oIce Uinderneath Tyhe Ioce 8nderneath 6he kce 8Underneath 6The kIce U8nderneath T6he Ikce
jnderneath ghe 8ce jUnderneath gThe 8Ice Ujnderneath Tghe I8ce ynderneath rhe uce yUnderneath rThe uIce Uynderneath Trhe Iuce
Unnderneath Icce Uderneath Te Ie Udnerneath Teh Iec Umderneath Tje Ife Umnderneath Tjhe Ifce Unmderneath Thje Icfe
Uhderneath Tue Ixe Tuhe Ixce Unhderneath Thue Icxe Ujderneath Tne Ive Tnhe Ivce Unjderneath Thne Icve
Ubderneath Tbe Ide Ubnderneath Tbhe Idce Unbderneath Thbe Icde Undderneath Tge Icee Unerneath Ic Unedrneath Thge Ice
Unxerneath Tye Ics Unxderneath Icse Undxerneath Thye Ices Uneerneath Thee Ic3 Unederneath Th Ic3e Undeerneath The Ice3
Unferneath Ths Icf Unfderneath Thse Undferneath Thes Icef Unrerneath Th3 Icr Unrderneath Th3e Icre Undrerneath The3 Icer
Uncerneath Thf Ic4 Uncderneath Thfe Ic4e Undcerneath Thef Ice4 Unserneath Thr Icd Unsderneath Thre Undserneath Ther Iced
Th4 Icw Undrneath Th4e Icwe Undreneath The4 Icew Undsrneath Thd Thde Undesrneath Thed
Und3rneath Thw Und3erneath Thwe Unde3rneath Thew Undfrneath Undefrneath Undrrneath
Underrneath Und4rneath Und4erneath Unde4rneath Unddrneath Undedrneath
Undwrneath Undwerneath Undewrneath Undeneath Undenreath Undedneath
Underdneath Unde4neath Under4neath Undegneath Undegrneath Undergneath

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