One Extra Hour

I feel the wind, how it moves me
And questions moving inside
I hesitate for losing
A piece of my life
I see the clouds above me
Full of dark regret
Will my days forget me?
Or is there hope for love yet?

Underneath the shadow of this willow tree
I can feel forgiveness draping over me
If the rain can stay away for one extra hour
Then maybe I can change my ways

So when the doors are closing
And all my friends are spars
I'll know where I'm going
Cause it's deep in my heart

Underneath the shadow of this willow tree
I can feel true love warming over me
If the rain can stay away for one extra hour
Then maybe time can clean the way

Underneath the shadow of this willow tree
I can feel a new day coming over me
If the rain can stay away for one extra hour
Then maybe life is mine
Maybe life is mine to claim

Mirror lyrics:

Maybe life is mine to claim
Then maybe life is mine
If the rain can stay away for one extra hour
I can feel a new day coming over me
Underneath the shadow of this willow tree

Then maybe time can clean the way
If the rain can stay away for one extra hour
I can feel true love warming over me
Underneath the shadow of this willow tree

Cause it's deep in my heart
I'll know where I'm going
And all my friends are spars
So when the doors are closing

Then maybe I can change my ways
If the rain can stay away for one extra hour
I can feel forgiveness draping over me
Underneath the shadow of this willow tree

Or is there hope for love yet?
Will my days forget me?
Full of dark regret
I see the clouds above me
A piece of my life
I hesitate for losing
And questions moving inside
I feel the wind, how it moves me

Relevant Tags:
OOne EExtra HHour ne xtra our nOe xEtra oHur kne sxtra jour kOne sExtra jHour Okne Esxtra Hjour 9ne 3xtra uour 9One 3Extra uHour
O9ne E3xtra Huour 0ne fxtra nour 0One fExtra nHour O0ne Efxtra Hnour lne rxtra bour lOne rExtra bHour Olne Erxtra Hbour ine 4xtra gour
iOne 4Extra gHour Oine E4xtra Hgour Onne dxtra your Oe dExtra yHour Oen Edxtra Hyour Ome wxtra Hoour Omne wExtra Hur Onme Ewxtra Huor
Ohe Exxtra Hkur Ohne Etra Hkour Onhe Etxra Hokur Oje Edtra H9ur Ojne H9our Onje Exdtra Ho9ur Obe Eztra H0ur Obne Ezxtra H0our
Onbe Exztra Ho0ur Onee Ectra Hlur On Ecxtra Hlour One Exctra Holur Ons Estra Hiur Onse Hiour Ones Exstra Hoiur On3 Exttra Houur
On3e Exra Hor One3 Exrta Horu Onf Exfra Hohr Onfe Exftra Hohur Onef Extfra Houhr Onr Ex5ra Ho7r Onre Ex5tra Ho7ur Oner Ext5ra Hou7r
On4 Exhra Hokr

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