Arrogant Worms
The Canadian Crisis Song

Often on the weekend I'll jump in my car
I'll not fill up the tank although I'm going far
And if somebody asks me: if I'm going to a bar?
I'll say I'm shopping ‘cross the border in the U.S.A.

I do not go down there to buy my groceries
I respect our farmers and our factories
I don't believe that local means it's poor in quality
It's just our goddamn prices are too high

If he stays away for just two days
I'll get one hundred dollars duty free
Though it adds two more, well I claim it fore
I don't declare the products if they're in my trunk
He won't declare the products if they're in his trunk

Although it is Canada that I call home
I don't cheer for the Yankees when I'm in the dome
I didn't swell with pride during the Desert Storm
It's just that I don't want to pay the tax
It's just that he's too cheap to pay the tax

Yes it's just like this, he's a loyalist
I'll only shop at malls that fly our flag
And he'll tell Bob Rae that he just won't pay
Unless I need my unemployment benefits
Get a job, Get a job, Get a job

Now everybody's doing the same thing as me
They're doing what they can to beat the GST
They're lining up for miles at the duty free
So I bought a JC Penney store in Buffalo
So everybody come on down to Buffalo

Cause if you stay away for just two days
You get one hundred dollars duty free
Though it not that hard it'll still go far
And it ends up in the pockets of a country man
And it ends up in the pockets of a country man

Mirror lyrics:

And it ends up in the pockets of a country man
And it ends up in the pockets of a country man
Though it not that hard it'll still go far
You get one hundred dollars duty free
Cause if you stay away for just two days

So everybody come on down to Buffalo
So I bought a JC Penney store in Buffalo
They're lining up for miles at the duty free
They're doing what they can to beat the GST
Now everybody's doing the same thing as me

Get a job, Get a job, Get a job
Unless I need my unemployment benefits
And he'll tell Bob Rae that he just won't pay
I'll only shop at malls that fly our flag
Yes it's just like this, he's a loyalist

It's just that he's too cheap to pay the tax
It's just that I don't want to pay the tax
I didn't swell with pride during the Desert Storm
I don't cheer for the Yankees when I'm in the dome
Although it is Canada that I call home

He won't declare the products if they're in his trunk
I don't declare the products if they're in my trunk
Though it adds two more, well I claim it fore
I'll get one hundred dollars duty free
If he stays away for just two days

It's just our goddamn prices are too high
I don't believe that local means it's poor in quality
I respect our farmers and our factories
I do not go down there to buy my groceries

I'll say I'm shopping ‘cross the border in the U.S.A.
And if somebody asks me: if I'm going to a bar?
I'll not fill up the tank although I'm going far
Often on the weekend I'll jump in my car

Relevant Tags:
TThe CCanadian CCrisis SSong he anadian risis ong hTe aCnadian rCisis oSng fhe fanadian frisis zong fThe fCanadian fCrisis zSong Tfhe Cfanadian Cfrisis Szong
5he xanadian xrisis wong 5The xCanadian xCrisis wSong T5he Cxanadian Cxrisis Swong hhe vanadian vrisis dong hThe vCanadian vCrisis dSong Thhe Cvanadian Cvrisis Sdong
yhe danadian drisis eong yThe dCanadian dCrisis eSong Tyhe Cdanadian Cdrisis Seong 6he Caanadian Crrisis xong 6The Cnadian Cisis xSong T6he Cnaadian Cirsis Sxong
ghe Cznadian Cdisis aong gThe Czanadian aSong Tghe Caznadian Crdisis Saong rhe Cqnadian C4isis Soong rThe Cqanadian C4risis Sng Trhe Caqnadian Cr4isis Snog
Csnadian Cgisis Skng Te Csanadian Cgrisis Skong Teh Casnadian Crgisis Sokng Tje Cwnadian Ctisis S9ng Tjhe Cwanadian Ctrisis S9ong Thje Cawnadian Crtisis So9ng
Tue Cxnadian C5isis S0ng Tuhe C5risis S0ong Thue Caxnadian Cr5isis So0ng Tne Cannadian Cfisis Slng Tnhe Caadian Slong Thne Caandian Crfisis Solng
Tbe Camadian Ceisis Sing Tbhe Camnadian Cerisis Siong Thbe Canmadian Creisis Soing Tge Cahadian Criisis Sonng Cahnadian Crsis Sog Thge Canhadian Crsiis Sogn
Tye Cajadian Crjsis Somg Cajnadian Crjisis Somng Thye Canjadian Crijsis Sonmg Thee Cabadian Cr9sis Sohg Th Cabnadian Cr9isis Sohng The Canbadian Cri9sis Sonhg
Ths Canaadian Crlsis Sojg Thse Candian Crlisis Sojng Thes Candaian Crilsis Sonjg Th3 Canzdian Crosis Sobg Th3e Canzadian Croisis Sobng The3 Canazdian Criosis Sonbg
Thf Canqdian Crksis Songg Thfe Canqadian Crkisis Son Thef Canaqdian Criksis Song Thr Cansdian Cr8sis Sonh Thre Cansadian Cr8isis Ther Canasdian Cri8sis Songh
Th4 Canwdian Crusis Sony Th4e Canwadian Cruisis Sonyg The4 Canawdian Criusis Songy Thd Canxdian Crissis Sonb Thde Canxadian Criis Thed Canaxdian Criiss Songb
Thw Canaddian Crizis Sonv Thwe Canaian Crizsis Sonvg Thew Canaidan Criszis Songv Canaxian Criwis Sonf Criwsis Sonfg

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