Around Tiffany
Artistic Hands

Your smiling needs a touch of my artistic hands
Built a shade for people who were so fake
Your message needs to clear itself
Just before I take another step, another step

I'll always be with you my friend
I'll never let you go, I'll never let this go
We'll always make these promises
I'll never let you go this time

Your message needs to clear itself
Just before I take another step
Another step
You're working hard to clear us out
But I won't let you go
I won't let go, I won't let go

I'll always be with you my friend
I'll never let you go, I'll never let this go
We'll always make these promises
I'll never let you go, I'll never let you go

I'll always be with you my friend
I'll never let you go, I'll never let this go
We'll always make these promises
I'll never let you go this time

Your smiling needs a touch of my artistic hands
Built a shade for people who were so fake
Your message needs to clear itself
Just before I take another step, another step

Mirror lyrics:

Just before I take another step, another step
Your message needs to clear itself
Built a shade for people who were so fake
Your smiling needs a touch of my artistic hands

I'll never let you go this time
We'll always make these promises
I'll never let you go, I'll never let this go
I'll always be with you my friend

I'll never let you go, I'll never let you go
We'll always make these promises
I'll never let you go, I'll never let this go
I'll always be with you my friend

I won't let go, I won't let go
But I won't let you go
You're working hard to clear us out
Another step
Just before I take another step
Your message needs to clear itself

I'll never let you go this time
We'll always make these promises
I'll never let you go, I'll never let this go
I'll always be with you my friend

Just before I take another step, another step
Your message needs to clear itself
Built a shade for people who were so fake
Your smiling needs a touch of my artistic hands

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Aqrtistic Huands srtistic nands sArtistic nHands Asrtistic Hnands wrtistic bands wArtistic bHands Awrtistic Hbands xrtistic gands
xArtistic gHands Axrtistic Hgands Arrtistic yands Atistic yHands Atristic Hyands Adtistic Haands Adrtistic Hnds Ardtistic Hnads
A4tistic Hznds A4rtistic Hzands Ar4tistic Haznds Agtistic Hqnds Agrtistic Hqands Argtistic Haqnds Attistic Hsnds Atrtistic Hsands
Arttistic Hasnds A5tistic Hwnds A5rtistic Hwands Ar5tistic Hawnds Aftistic Hxnds Afrtistic Hxands Arftistic Haxnds Aetistic Hannds
Aertistic Hads Aretistic Hadns Hamds Aristic Hamnds Aritstic Hanmds Arfistic Hahds Hahnds Artfistic Hanhds
Ar5istic Hajds Hajnds Art5istic Hanjds Arhistic Habds Arhtistic Habnds Arthistic Hanbds Aryistic Handds Arytistic Hans
Artyistic Hansd Ar6istic Hanxs Ar6tistic Hanxds Art6istic Handxs Argistic Hanes Haneds Artgistic Handes Arristic Hanfs
Hanfds Artristic Handfs Artiistic Hanrs Artstic Hanrds Artsitic Handrs Artjstic Hancs Artjistic Hancds Artijstic Handcs
Art9stic Hanss Art9istic Hansds Arti9stic Handss Artlstic Artlistic Hand Artilstic Hands Artostic Handz Artoistic Handzs
Artiostic Handsz Artkstic Handw Artkistic Handws Artikstic Handsw Art8stic Handd

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