Arnee And The Terminaters
I'll Be Back

Here's a lesson from the future
It's Arnee etiquette
P's and Q's
Just make you lose
The things that you should get
With an Uzi in my pocket
And just one thing to say
I always get a refund
And I always get my way

I've never had a problem
In getting what I lack
You don't need please or thank you
You just need!
I'll be back
I'll be back
I'll be back
If you're lying
I'll be back

It's not that I'm ill-mannered or a psychopathic hater
I just like to be treated right like any Terminator
If I though I'd get results then I'd act a whole lot sweeter
But people always respect
an Uzi 9mm!

I've never had a problem
In getting what I lack
You don't need please or thank you
You just need!
I'll be back
I'll be back
Get out of here, she's gonna blow
I'll be back
If you're lying
I'll be back

If your lover gives you the elbow or you're threatened with the sack
Look 'em in the eye and as nice as pie say
I'll be back
And if you don't get your refunds or shops treat you like cack
Stand at the door, say it once more arsolee I'll be back
It's nothing personal
I swear I will not hurt anybody

Hasta la vista, baby!

I'll be back
I'll be back
Uzi 9mm!
I'll be back
He's from the future
I'll be back
Nothing can stop him
Hey, I don't think he comes from 'round here
I'll be back.

Mirror lyrics:

I'll be back.
Hey, I don't think he comes from 'round here
Nothing can stop him
I'll be back
He's from the future
I'll be back
Uzi 9mm!
I'll be back
I'll be back

Hasta la vista, baby!

I swear I will not hurt anybody
It's nothing personal
Stand at the door, say it once more arsolee I'll be back
And if you don't get your refunds or shops treat you like cack
I'll be back
Look 'em in the eye and as nice as pie say
If your lover gives you the elbow or you're threatened with the sack

I'll be back
If you're lying
I'll be back
Get out of here, she's gonna blow
I'll be back
I'll be back
You just need!
You don't need please or thank you
In getting what I lack
I've never had a problem

an Uzi 9mm!
But people always respect
If I though I'd get results then I'd act a whole lot sweeter
I just like to be treated right like any Terminator
It's not that I'm ill-mannered or a psychopathic hater

I'll be back
If you're lying
I'll be back
I'll be back
I'll be back
You just need!
You don't need please or thank you
In getting what I lack
I've never had a problem

And I always get my way
I always get a refund
And just one thing to say
With an Uzi in my pocket
The things that you should get
Just make you lose
P's and Q's
It's Arnee etiquette
Here's a lesson from the future

Relevant Tags:
II'll BBe BBack 'll e ack 'Ill eB aBck j'll ve vack jI'll vBe vBack Ij'll Bve Bvack 9'll ge gack 9I'll gBe gBack I9'll Bge Bgack
l'll ne nack lI'll nBe nBack Il'll Bne Bnack o'll he hack oI'll hBe hBack Io'll Bhe Bhack k'll Bee Baack kI'll B Bck Ik'll Be Bcak
8'll Bs Bzck 8I'll Bse Bzack I8'll Bes Bazck u'll B3 Bqck uI'll B3e Bqack Iu'll Be3 Baqck I''ll Bf Bsck Ill Bfe Bsack Il'l Bef Basck
I'lll Br Bwck I'l Bre Bwack I'll Ber Bawck I'kl B4 Bxck I'kll B4e Bxack I'lkl Be4 Baxck

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