Art Paul Schlosser
Scum Always Rises At The Top

1.New song on the radio?
You like it not?
For some weird reason
?They're playing it alot??

You want skill?
You get slop?
Scum always rises at the top?
Scum always rises at the top??

2.A crook is running for office?
He's taking bribes?
Everyone votes for him?
Even though they know he lies(go back to chorus)??

3.New soft drink on the market?
It taste really crummy?
Everyone is buying it?
Ain't that kind of funny ? (go back to the chorus)??

4.New song on the radio?
It sounds real bad?
But for some weird reason?
It's become the local cult fad(go back to chorus)?

Mirror lyrics:

It's become the local cult fad(go back to chorus)?
But for some weird reason?
It sounds real bad?
4.New song on the radio?

Ain't that kind of funny ? (go back to the chorus)??
Everyone is buying it?
It taste really crummy?
3.New soft drink on the market?

Even though they know he lies(go back to chorus)??
Everyone votes for him?
He's taking bribes?
2.A crook is running for office?

Scum always rises at the top??
Scum always rises at the top?
You get slop?
You want skill?

?They're playing it alot??
For some weird reason
You like it not?
1.New song on the radio?

Relevant Tags:
SScum AAlways RRises AAt TThe TTop cum lways ises t he op cSum lAways iRses tA hTe oTp zcum zlways dises zt fhe fop zScum zAlways dRises zAt fThe fTop
Szcum Azlways Rdises Azt Tfhe Tfop wcum qlways 4ises qt 5he 5op wScum qAlways 4Rises qAt 5The 5Top Swcum Aqlways R4ises Aqt T5he T5op dcum slways gises st hhe hop
dScum sAlways gRises sAt hThe hTop Sdcum Aslways Rgises Ast Thhe Thop ecum wlways tises wt yhe yop eScum wAlways tRises wAt yThe yTop Secum Awlways Rtises Awt Tyhe Tyop
xcum xlways 5ises xt 6he 6op xScum xAlways 5Rises xAt 6The 6Top Sxcum Axlways R5ises Axt T6he T6op acum Allways fises Att ghe gop aScum Aways fRises A gThe gTop
Sacum Awlays Rfises At Tghe Tgop Sccum Akways eises Af rhe rop Sum Aklways eRises Aft rThe rTop Sucm Alkways Reises Atf Trhe Trop Sfum Aoways Riises A5 Toop
Sfcum Aolways Rses A5t Te Tp Scfum Aloways Rsies At5 Teh Tpo Sxum Apways Rjses Ah Tje Tkp Aplways Rjises Aht Tjhe Tkop Scxum Alpways Rijses Ath Thje Tokp
Svum Alwways R9ses Ay Tue T9p Svcum Alays R9ises Ayt Tuhe T9op Scvum Alawys Ri9ses Aty Thue To9p Sdum Alaays Rlses A6 Tne T0p Alaways Rlises A6t Tnhe T0op
Scdum Alwaays Rilses At6 Thne To0p Scuum Al3ays Roses Ag Tbe Tlp Scm Al3ways Roises Agt Tbhe Tlop Scmu Alw3ays Rioses Atg Thbe Tolp Schm Aldays Rkses Ar Tge Tip
Schum Aldways Rkises Art Tiop Scuhm Alwdays Rikses Atr Thge Toip Sc7m Aleays R8ses Tye Topp Sc7um Aleways R8ises To Scu7m Alweays Ri8ses Thye Top
Sckm Alsays Ruses Thee To0 Sckum Alsways Ruises Th Scukm Alwsays Riuses The Top0 Scim Al2ays Risses Ths Tol Scium Al2ways Ries Thse
Scuim Alw2ays Riess Thes Topl Sc8m Alqays Rizes Th3 Too Sc8um Alqways Rizses Th3e Scu8m Alwqays Riszes The3 Topo Scjm Riwes Thf
Scjum Alwys Riwses Thfe Scujm Alwyas Riswes Thef

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