Tom Saw Ya (tom Sawyer)

On Monday he wouldn't trust we'd seen Christ
Today Tom saw Your spear-pierced side

Though his mind was not convinced
He couldn't doubt the evidence
He observed Your side and hands
Finding out the way we did
You're risen!

What You prayed about has come to be
It's what King David said in Psalm 16
Christ is risen, that's no myth
Just a mystery that's legit

The world says, the world says love and life are cheap
Maybe now the price will rise

Today Tom saw Ya, he set his eyes on You
And the face he just made, it was quite a view


Thomas tried to talk and yet
"My Lord and God" is all he said
All he hoped for had just commenced
He knows graves are not permanent
But grace is!

And One You say's about to comfort me
Though some will question our sobriety
That's the witness, that's the gift
That's the spirit, class dismissed

The world is, the world is lost and like a sheep
They that have the Christ are wise

Exit the Lord and yet today Tom saw Ya
He set eyes on You and he'll never be the same
He gets right onto the preachin' of the Way

Mirror lyrics:

He gets right onto the preachin' of the Way
He set eyes on You and he'll never be the same
Exit the Lord and yet today Tom saw Ya

They that have the Christ are wise
The world is, the world is lost and like a sheep

That's the spirit, class dismissed
That's the witness, that's the gift
Though some will question our sobriety
And One You say's about to comfort me

But grace is!
He knows graves are not permanent
All he hoped for had just commenced
"My Lord and God" is all he said
Thomas tried to talk and yet


And the face he just made, it was quite a view
Today Tom saw Ya, he set his eyes on You

Maybe now the price will rise
The world says, the world says love and life are cheap

Just a mystery that's legit
Christ is risen, that's no myth
It's what King David said in Psalm 16
What You prayed about has come to be

You're risen!
Finding out the way we did
He observed Your side and hands
He couldn't doubt the evidence
Though his mind was not convinced

Today Tom saw Your spear-pierced side
On Monday he wouldn't trust we'd seen Christ

Relevant Tags:
TTom SSaw YYa ((tom SSawyer) om aw a tom awyer) oTm aSw aY t(om aSwyer) fom zaw ga (ttom zawyer) fTom zSaw gYa (om zSawyer) Tfom Szaw Yga (otm Szawyer)
5om waw ha (fom wawyer) 5Tom wSaw hYa (ftom wSawyer) T5om Swaw Yha (tfom Swawyer) hom daw 6a (5om dawyer) hTom dSaw 6Ya (5tom dSawyer) Thom Sdaw Y6a (t5om Sdawyer)
yom eaw ua (hom eawyer) yTom eSaw uYa (htom eSawyer) Tyom Seaw Yua (thom Seawyer) 6om xaw 7a (yom xawyer) 6Tom xSaw 7Ya (ytom xSawyer) T6om Sxaw Y7a (tyom Sxawyer)
gom aaw ja (6om aawyer) gTom aSaw jYa (6tom aSawyer) Tgom Saaw Yja (t6om Saawyer) rom ta (gom rTom Sw tYa (gtom Swyer) Trom Swa Yta (tgom Swayer)
Toom Szw Yaa (rom Szwyer) Tm Y (rtom Tmo Sazw Ya (trom Sazwyer) Tkm Sqw Yz (toom Sqwyer) Tkom Sqaw Yza (tm Sqawyer) Tokm Saqw Yaz (tmo Saqwyer)
T9m Ssw Yq (tkm Sswyer) T9om Ssaw Yqa (tkom Ssawyer) To9m Sasw Yaq (tokm Saswyer) T0m Sww Ys (t9m Swwyer) T0om Ysa (t9om To0m Saww Yas (to9m Sawwyer)
Tlm Sxw Yw (t0m Sxwyer) Tlom Ywa (t0om Tolm Saxw Yaw (to0m Saxwyer) Tim Yx (tlm Tiom Sa Yxa (tlom Sayer) Toim Saw Yax (tolm Saywer)
Tomm Saa (tim Saayer) To (tiom Tom Sawa (toim Sawayer) Toj Sa3 (tomm Sa3yer) Tojm Sa3w (to Sa3wyer) Tomj Saw3 (tom Saw3yer)
Tok Sad (toj Sadyer) Sadw (tojm Sadwyer) Tomk Sawd (tomj Sawdyer) Ton Sae (tok Saeyer) Tonm Saew Saewyer) Tomn Sawe (tomk Saweyer)
Sas (ton Sasyer) (tonm Saws (tomn Sawsyer) Sa2 Sa2yer) Sa2w Sa2wyer) Saw2 Saw2yer)
Saq Saqyer) Sawq Sawqyer)

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