Pray Now (all Star)

Somebody once told me the Lord is not your roadie
You ain't the star so do it yourself
I said look it's kind of dumb if there's things that I need done
It's a shame not to call on the Lord's help
Well, my prayers start comin' and they don't stop comin'
I read through the rules and I think I found some'in'
Didn't make sense not to get more done
I pray real hard 'cause the Heavenly Son
Showed what to do, said knock and seek
So what's wrong with praying and asking
You better go in to Luke, bro
11:9 if you don't know
Pray now, it's a lost art, get your day underway
Pray now, get a jump start, get a move on, get faith
And God is listenin' you know
Only you can start prayin' though
It's a cool case so you're prayin' gets bolder
You look it up Luke 18 yeah let's go there
When the meanest of men met the widow
Judge he was you know if you have the right scripture
But I can see his patience is gettin' pretty thin
The woman gets annoyin' so he might as well give in
The worlds like that how about the Lord
God already likes ya and you'll never get ignored
Pray now, it's a lost art, get your day underway
Pray now, fourth chapter, let me show ya, in James
And God is listenin' you know
Only you can start prayin' though

Go look in Luke

Pray now, it's a lost art, get your day underway
Pray now, get a jump start, get a move on, get faith
And God is listenin' you know
Only you can start
Somebody once asked Jesus give us the capacity
To get ourselves a faith that is great
Christ said "Well, why ya want help?
You could move a little hill yourself
If you would all use a little faith"
Well, my prayers start comin' and they don't stop comin'
I read through the rules and I think I found somethin'
Didn't make sense not to get more done
I pray it smart 'cause the Heavenly Son
Showed what to do said knock and seek
So what's wrong with praying and asking
You'll never know if you don't go
You better try if you don't know
Pray now, it's a lost art, get your day underway
Pray now, for a chapter, let me show ya, in James
And God is listenin' you know
Only you can start prayin' though
And God is listenin' you know
Only you can start prayin' though

Mirror lyrics:

Only you can start prayin' though
And God is listenin' you know
Only you can start prayin' though
And God is listenin' you know
Pray now, for a chapter, let me show ya, in James
Pray now, it's a lost art, get your day underway
You better try if you don't know
You'll never know if you don't go
So what's wrong with praying and asking
Showed what to do said knock and seek
I pray it smart 'cause the Heavenly Son
Didn't make sense not to get more done
I read through the rules and I think I found somethin'
Well, my prayers start comin' and they don't stop comin'
If you would all use a little faith"
You could move a little hill yourself
Christ said "Well, why ya want help?
To get ourselves a faith that is great
Somebody once asked Jesus give us the capacity
Only you can start
And God is listenin' you know
Pray now, get a jump start, get a move on, get faith
Pray now, it's a lost art, get your day underway

Go look in Luke

Only you can start prayin' though
And God is listenin' you know
Pray now, fourth chapter, let me show ya, in James
Pray now, it's a lost art, get your day underway
God already likes ya and you'll never get ignored
The worlds like that how about the Lord
The woman gets annoyin' so he might as well give in
But I can see his patience is gettin' pretty thin
Judge he was you know if you have the right scripture
When the meanest of men met the widow
You look it up Luke 18 yeah let's go there
It's a cool case so you're prayin' gets bolder
Only you can start prayin' though
And God is listenin' you know
Pray now, get a jump start, get a move on, get faith
Pray now, it's a lost art, get your day underway
11:9 if you don't know
You better go in to Luke, bro
So what's wrong with praying and asking
Showed what to do, said knock and seek
I pray real hard 'cause the Heavenly Son
Didn't make sense not to get more done
I read through the rules and I think I found some'in'
Well, my prayers start comin' and they don't stop comin'
It's a shame not to call on the Lord's help
I said look it's kind of dumb if there's things that I need done
You ain't the star so do it yourself
Somebody once told me the Lord is not your roadie

Relevant Tags:
PPray NNow ((all SStar) ray ow all tar) rPay oNw a(ll tSar) 0ray mow (aall ztar) 0Pray mNow (ll zStar) P0ray Nmow (lal Sztar)
lray how (zll wtar) lPray hNow (zall wStar) Plray Nhow (azll Swtar) oray jow (qll dtar) oPray jNow (qall dStar) Poray Njow (aqll Sdtar)
Prray bow (sll etar) Pay bNow (sall eStar) Pary Nbow (asll Setar) Pday Noow (wll xtar) Pdray Nw (wall xStar) Prday Nwo (awll Sxtar)
P4ay Nkw (xll atar) P4ray Nkow (xall aStar) Pr4ay Nokw (axll Satar) Pgay N9w (alll Sttar) Pgray N9ow (al Sar) Prgay No9w (all Satr)
Ptay N0w (akl Sfar) Ptray N0ow (akll Sftar) Prtay No0w (alkl Stfar) P5ay Nlw (aol S5ar) P5ray Nlow (aoll S5tar) Pr5ay Nolw (alol St5ar)
Pfay Niw (apl Shar) Pfray Niow (apll Shtar) Prfay Noiw (alpl Sthar) Peay Noww Syar) Peray No Sytar) Preay Now Styar)
Praay Noa (alk S6ar) Pry Noaw S6tar) Prya Nowa (allk St6ar) Przy No3 (alo Sgar) Przay No3w Sgtar) Prazy Now3 (allo Stgar)
Prqy Nod (alp Srar) Prqay Nodw Srtar) Praqy Nowd (allp Strar)

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