Old Time Romans Road

Just take those old directions off the shelf
I'm sending us into the Bible Belt
To take you the way God can save souls
I'll ride that old time Romans Road

Don't try to take me to a different road
You'll never even get me, I'll never go
But take me on the highway straight for the Lord
I like that old time Romans Road

I like that old time Romans Road
That avenue it just saves your soul
I rev my engines down the streets of gold
With that old time Romans Road

Although I hear the way is narrow
All other avenues are bumpy old roads
There's only one sure way to get me to God
That way's the old time Romans Road

Romans 3:23 is what you need
Then find verse 5:8 then verse 6:23
Then take Romans 10:9 to save your soul
And that's the old time Romans Road

I like that old time Romans Road
That avenue it just saves your soul
I read a missive 'bout the faith of old
It's that old time Romans Road.

Mirror lyrics:

It's that old time Romans Road.
I read a missive 'bout the faith of old
That avenue it just saves your soul
I like that old time Romans Road

And that's the old time Romans Road
Then take Romans 10:9 to save your soul
Then find verse 5:8 then verse 6:23
Romans 3:23 is what you need

That way's the old time Romans Road
There's only one sure way to get me to God
All other avenues are bumpy old roads
Although I hear the way is narrow

With that old time Romans Road
I rev my engines down the streets of gold
That avenue it just saves your soul
I like that old time Romans Road

I like that old time Romans Road
But take me on the highway straight for the Lord
You'll never even get me, I'll never go
Don't try to take me to a different road

I'll ride that old time Romans Road
To take you the way God can save souls
I'm sending us into the Bible Belt
Just take those old directions off the shelf

Relevant Tags:
OOld TTime RRomans RRoad ld ime omans oad lOd iTme oRmans oRad kld fime domans doad kOld fTime dRomans dRoad Okld Tfime Rdomans Rdoad
9ld 5ime 4omans 4oad 9Old 5Time 4Romans 4Road O9ld T5ime R4omans R4oad 0ld hime gomans goad 0Old hTime gRomans gRoad O0ld Thime Rgomans Rgoad
lld yime tomans toad lOld yTime tRomans tRoad Olld Tyime Rtomans Rtoad ild 6ime 5omans 5oad iOld 6Time 5Romans 5Road Oild T6ime R5omans R5oad
gime fomans foad Od gTime fRomans fRoad Odl Tgime Rfomans Rfoad Okd rime eomans eoad rTime eRomans eRoad Olkd Trime Reomans Reoad
Ood Tiime Roomans Rooad Oold Tme Rmans Rad Olod Tmie Rmoans Raod Opd Tjme Rkmans Rkad Opld Tjime Rkomans Rkoad Olpd Tijme Rokmans Rokad
Oldd T9me R9mans R9ad Ol T9ime R9omans R9oad Old Ti9me Ro9mans Ro9ad Olx Tlme R0mans R0ad Olxd Tlime R0omans R0oad Oldx Tilme Ro0mans Ro0ad
Ole Tome Rlmans Rlad Oled Toime Rlomans Rload Olde Tiome Rolmans Rolad Olf Tkme Rimans Riad Olfd Tkime Riomans Rioad Oldf Tikme Roimans Roiad
Olr T8me Rommans Roaad Olrd T8ime Roans Rod Oldr Ti8me Roamns Roda Olc Tume Rojans Rozd Olcd Tuime Rojmans Rozad Oldc Tiume Romjans Roazd
Ols Timme Rokans Roqd Olsd Tie Roqad Olds Tiem Romkans Roaqd Tije Ronans Rosd Ronmans Rosad Timje Romnans Roasd

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