Good Guys, Bad Guys (good Times, Bad Times)

In the days of my youth I was shown all the kings Judea had
And now I teach that age -- I try to review all those kings the best I can
So gather 'round I'll try to find my way through the names of them

Good guys, bad guys, old Judah had her share
20 rulers had the throne after Solomon
And I'll tell you all the people there

Rehoboam, he's the guy who started it off
With Abijah, and Asa makes three
Jehosophat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah -- she's the wicked queen
Then Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz then
Good Hezekiah, wicked Manasseh and Amon
I'm not done with 'em yet... ahhh

Good guys, bad guys, then Josiah and his heirs
That's Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah, see, we're there!

Good guys, bad guys, you know what happened there
When a good one left the throne for the Promised Land
Then a villain seized the chair

I know one more King you need to know
I'm sure you guessed that on your own
Now, I don't care what the papers say
Christ's King of the Jews, and each and every place
You're gonna feel the need within your heart
You and I, sweet baby, need to get te Son of God

Mirror lyrics:

You and I, sweet baby, need to get te Son of God
You're gonna feel the need within your heart
Christ's King of the Jews, and each and every place
Now, I don't care what the papers say
I'm sure you guessed that on your own
I know one more King you need to know

Then a villain seized the chair
When a good one left the throne for the Promised Land
Good guys, bad guys, you know what happened there

That's Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah, see, we're there!
Good guys, bad guys, then Josiah and his heirs

I'm not done with 'em yet... ahhh
Good Hezekiah, wicked Manasseh and Amon
Then Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz then
Jehosophat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah -- she's the wicked queen
With Abijah, and Asa makes three
Rehoboam, he's the guy who started it off

And I'll tell you all the people there
20 rulers had the throne after Solomon
Good guys, bad guys, old Judah had her share

So gather 'round I'll try to find my way through the names of them
And now I teach that age -- I try to review all those kings the best I can
In the days of my youth I was shown all the kings Judea had

Relevant Tags:
GGood GGuys, BBad GGuys ((good TTimes, BBad TTimes) ood uys, ad uys good imes, ad imes) oGod uGys, aBd uGys g(ood iTmes, aBd iTmes)
hood huys, vad huys (ggood fimes, vad fimes) hGood hGuys, vBad hGuys (ood fTimes, vBad fTimes) Ghood Ghuys, Bvad Ghuys (ogod Tfimes, Bvad Tfimes)
yood yuys, gad yuys (hood 5imes, gad 5imes) yGood yGuys, gBad yGuys (hgood 5Times, gBad 5Times) Gyood Gyuys, Bgad Gyuys (ghood T5imes, Bgad T5imes)
bood buys, nad buys (yood himes, nad himes) bGood bGuys, nBad bGuys (ygood hTimes, nBad hTimes) Gbood Gbuys, Bnad Gbuys (gyood Thimes, Bnad Thimes)
vood vuys, had vuys (bood yimes, had yimes) vGood vGuys, hBad vGuys (bgood yTimes, hBad yTimes) Gvood Gvuys, Bhad Gvuys (gbood Tyimes, Bhad Tyimes)
food fuys, Baad fuys (vood 6imes, Baad 6imes) fGood fGuys, Bd fGuys (vgood 6Times, Bd 6Times) Gfood Gfuys, Bda Gfuys (gvood T6imes, Bda T6imes)
tood tuys, Bzd tuys (food gimes, Bzd gimes) tGood tGuys, Bzad tGuys (fgood gTimes, Bzad gTimes) Gtood Gtuys, Bazd Gtuys (gfood Tgimes, Bazd Tgimes)
Goood Guuys, Bqd Guuys (tood rimes, Bqd rimes) God Gys, Bqad Gys (tgood rTimes, Bqad rTimes) Good Gyus, Baqd Gyus (gtood Trimes, Baqd Trimes)
Gkod Ghys, Bsd Ghys (goood Tiimes, Bsd Tiimes) Gkood Bsad (god Tmes, Bsad Tmes) Gokod Guhys, Basd Guhys (good Tmies, Basd Tmies)
G9od G7ys, Bwd G7ys (gkod Tjmes, Bwd Tjmes) G9ood G7uys, Bwad G7uys (gkood Tjimes, Bwad Tjimes) Go9od Gu7ys, Bawd Gu7ys (gokod Tijmes, Bawd Tijmes)
G0od Gkys, Bxd Gkys (g9od T9mes, Bxd T9mes) G0ood Gkuys, Bxad Gkuys (g9ood T9imes, Bxad T9imes) Go0od Gukys, Baxd Gukys (go9od Ti9mes, Baxd Ti9mes)
Glod Giys, Badd Giys (g0od Tlmes, Badd Tlmes) Glood Giuys, Ba Giuys (g0ood Tlimes, Ba Tlimes) Golod Guiys, Bad Guiys (go0od Tilmes, Bad Tilmes)
Giod G8ys, Bax G8ys (glod Tomes, Bax Tomes) Giood G8uys, G8uys (glood Toimes, Toimes) Goiod Gu8ys, Badx Gu8ys (golod Tiomes, Badx Tiomes)
Gjys, Bae Gjys (giod Tkmes, Bae Tkmes) Gjuys, Baed Gjuys (giood Tkimes, Baed Tkimes) Godo Gujys, Bade Gujys (goiod Tikmes, Bade Tikmes)
Gokd Gyys, Baf Gyys T8mes, Baf T8mes) Bafd T8imes, Bafd T8imes) Gookd Guyys, Badf Guyys (godo Ti8mes, Badf Ti8mes)
Go9d Bar (gokd Tumes, Bar Tumes) Gus, Bard Gus Tuimes, Bard Tuimes) Goo9d Gusy, Badr Gusy (gookd Tiumes, Badr Tiumes)
Go0d Gugs, Bac Gugs (go9d Timmes, Bac Timmes) Gugys, Bacd Gugys Ties, Bacd Ties) Goo0d Guygs, Badc Guygs (goo9d Tiems, Badc Tiems)

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