Corinthians (in The End)

(Parody of In the End, by Linkin Park)

It starts with love
Young thing -- I don't know why
You didn't read the letter our Lord supplied
With that in mind, I revised this rhyme to explain to you guys
All... I... know
Love is... a powerful thing
Watch the fly guys with the Benjamins sing
Watch the countdown that the MTV plays
I got ticked by the way
It's so unreal -- Britney and Jennifer Lo
Watch the wardrobe -- looks like a window
Tryin' to hold on to itty bitty clothes
You pasted them on -- this is not true love
I guess everything's a hybrid breeding love and pride
In small jealous hearts
What it gets to be is essentially just a parody
Like this rhyme is of Linkin Park

You tried so hard, but love's so far
Corinthians -- it doesn't even matter
If love's too small -- you lose it all
Corinthians -- first letter, thirteenth chapter

Love waits -- it's also kind
It doesn't envy, brag, or grow hard with pride
Keeps things polite, doesn't like to fight
It denies itself, while it tries no harm
If I have the faith and philosophy
Acting like I was smarter than Socrates
And every language and tongue and prophecy
I could die and not go far
If at the stake they burned me or
I could've given every dime to many poor
If love's lackin' throw me back then
Buddy, Paul wrote that to Corinthians....
It bears everything, besides, believes and hopes, abides
That Paul fella's smart
Love he said to me will essentially keep no memory
Of you crimes 'cause it finds no fault

You tried so hard -- but love's so far
Corinthians -- it doesn't even matter
If love's too small -- you lose it all
Corinthians -- First letter, Thirteenth chapter

It likes what's just and true
Dislikes what's unrighteous though
Failure is the only one thing it can't know
The things that last are few
Things like faith and love and hope
From all these, there's only one thing you need most

Mirror lyrics:

From all these, there's only one thing you need most
Things like faith and love and hope
The things that last are few
Failure is the only one thing it can't know
Dislikes what's unrighteous though
It likes what's just and true

Corinthians -- First letter, Thirteenth chapter
If love's too small -- you lose it all
Corinthians -- it doesn't even matter
You tried so hard -- but love's so far

Of you crimes 'cause it finds no fault
Love he said to me will essentially keep no memory
That Paul fella's smart
It bears everything, besides, believes and hopes, abides
Buddy, Paul wrote that to Corinthians....
If love's lackin' throw me back then
I could've given every dime to many poor
If at the stake they burned me or
I could die and not go far
And every language and tongue and prophecy
Acting like I was smarter than Socrates
If I have the faith and philosophy
It denies itself, while it tries no harm
Keeps things polite, doesn't like to fight
It doesn't envy, brag, or grow hard with pride
Love waits -- it's also kind

Corinthians -- first letter, thirteenth chapter
If love's too small -- you lose it all
Corinthians -- it doesn't even matter
You tried so hard, but love's so far

Like this rhyme is of Linkin Park
What it gets to be is essentially just a parody
In small jealous hearts
I guess everything's a hybrid breeding love and pride
You pasted them on -- this is not true love
Tryin' to hold on to itty bitty clothes
Watch the wardrobe -- looks like a window
It's so unreal -- Britney and Jennifer Lo
I got ticked by the way
Watch the countdown that the MTV plays
Watch the fly guys with the Benjamins sing
Love is... a powerful thing
All... I... know
With that in mind, I revised this rhyme to explain to you guys
You didn't read the letter our Lord supplied
Young thing -- I don't know why
It starts with love

(Parody of In the End, by Linkin Park)

Relevant Tags:
CCorinthians ((in TThe EEnd) orinthians in he nd) oCrinthians i(n hTe nEd) forinthians (iin fhe snd) fCorinthians (n fThe sEnd) Cforinthians (ni Tfhe Esnd)
xorinthians (jn 5he 3nd) xCorinthians (jin 5The 3End) Cxorinthians (ijn T5he E3nd) vorinthians (9n hhe fnd) vCorinthians (9in hThe fEnd) Cvorinthians (i9n Thhe Efnd)
dorinthians (ln yhe rnd) dCorinthians (lin yThe rEnd) Cdorinthians (iln Tyhe Ernd) Coorinthians (on 6he 4nd) Crinthians (oin 6The 4End) Crointhians (ion T6he E4nd)
Ckrinthians (kn ghe dnd) Ckorinthians (kin gThe dEnd) Cokrinthians (ikn Tghe Ednd) C9rinthians (8n rhe wnd) C9orinthians (8in rThe wEnd) Co9rinthians (i8n Trhe Ewnd)
C0rinthians (un Ennd) C0orinthians (uin Te Ed) Co0rinthians (iun Teh Edn) Clrinthians (inn Tje Emd) Clorinthians (i Tjhe Emnd) Colrinthians (in Thje Enmd)
Cirinthians (im Tue Ehd) Ciorinthians (imn Tuhe Ehnd) Coirinthians (inm Thue Enhd) Corrinthians (ih Tne Ejd) Cointhians (ihn Tnhe Ejnd) Coirnthians (inh Thne Enjd)
Codinthians (ij Tbe Ebd) Codrinthians Tbhe Ebnd) Cordinthians (inj Thbe Enbd) Co4inthians (ib Tge Endd) Co4rinthians (ibn En) Cor4inthians (inb Thge En)d
Coginthians Tye Enx) Cogrinthians Enxd) Corginthians Thye Endx) Cotinthians Thee Ene) Cotrinthians Th Ened) Cortinthians The Ende)
Co5inthians Ths Enf) Co5rinthians Thse Enfd) Cor5inthians Thes Endf) Cofinthians Th3 Enr) Cofrinthians Th3e Enrd) Corfinthians The3 Endr)
Coeinthians Thf Enc) Coerinthians Thfe Encd) Coreinthians Thef Endc) Coriinthians Thr Ens) Cornthians Thre Ensd) Cornithians Ther Ends)
Corjnthians Th4 End)) Corjinthians Th4e End Corijnthians The4 End) Cor9nthians Thd Cor9inthians Thde Cori9nthians Thed
Corlnthians Thw Corlinthians Thwe Corilnthians Thew Coronthians Corointhians Corionthians
Corknthians Corkinthians Coriknthians Cor8nthians Cor8inthians Cori8nthians
Corunthians Coruinthians Coriunthians Corinnthians Corithians Coritnhians
Corimthians Corimnthians Corinmthians Corihthians Corihnthians Corinhthians
Corijthians Corinjthians Coribthians Coribnthians Corinbthians Corintthians
Corinhians Corinhtians Corinfhians Corinfthians Corintfhians Corin5hians
Corin5thians Corint5hians Corinhhians

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