Called My Wife (all My Life)

Called my wife Eve, the serpent he jumped in
Jumped in 'cause he was never good for nothing
Nothing 'cept his lies and his empty boasts
Closed our foolish eyes and he ended our hopes
All life long I"ll remember the day
When Eden was around now it's taken away
Eve says just to deal with it I feel morse
When it costs the life of a sheep or goat
Calm down this ain't recess
I've got to tell you the rest, and if I give you a test
Sons, you two both better do your best
Sacrifice something that matters
Like Abel just did with his sheep
Cause you're my reason to breathe
Don't want my sons ending up like me
C'mon my sons listen up I plead
Cain, don't let it go to waste
I love you, don't just vegatate
Hate's keeping yuo down
Abel, yeah, you're going great
I love you, but I hesitate
Cain's sneaking around
When I found out we need covered
I covered up with some leaves
I made a one-piece for Eve
Over the shoulders down to the knees
Didn't get any closer to making both of us wise
It left me empty inside
From then on I've got something to hide
Cain, don't let this grow to rage
I love you, why'd you make that face
Snake's seeking you out
Abel, yeah, I know your faith
I love you, but you ain't that safe
Cain's creeping me out
Called my wife I've been searchin' since sunset
Something must be wrong have you seen our sons yet
Not yet but I spy someone gettin' close
Closer, yes, it's Cain at the end of the road
Oh, my son, what's that thing on your face
And Abel's not around where'd you take him today
He was in the field with you I fear you know
You look kind of like you've just seen a ghost
Tell me son, son, what have you just done
Son, son, tell me what you ahve just done
Son, my son, Cain, I don't wanna guess
Cain you better go away
I love you but I hate that snake
Can't keep him around
Abel, what a total waste
I'd love to go and take your place
Laid deep in the ground
Done, done, on to the next son
Done, I'm done, now I'm warning you Seth

Mirror lyrics:

Done, I'm done, now I'm warning you Seth
Done, done, on to the next son
Laid deep in the ground
I'd love to go and take your place
Abel, what a total waste
Can't keep him around
I love you but I hate that snake
Cain you better go away
Son, my son, Cain, I don't wanna guess
Son, son, tell me what you ahve just done
Tell me son, son, what have you just done
You look kind of like you've just seen a ghost
He was in the field with you I fear you know
And Abel's not around where'd you take him today
Oh, my son, what's that thing on your face
Closer, yes, it's Cain at the end of the road
Not yet but I spy someone gettin' close
Something must be wrong have you seen our sons yet
Called my wife I've been searchin' since sunset
Cain's creeping me out
I love you, but you ain't that safe
Abel, yeah, I know your faith
Snake's seeking you out
I love you, why'd you make that face
Cain, don't let this grow to rage
From then on I've got something to hide
It left me empty inside
Didn't get any closer to making both of us wise
Over the shoulders down to the knees
I made a one-piece for Eve
I covered up with some leaves
When I found out we need covered
Cain's sneaking around
I love you, but I hesitate
Abel, yeah, you're going great
Hate's keeping yuo down
I love you, don't just vegatate
Cain, don't let it go to waste
C'mon my sons listen up I plead
Don't want my sons ending up like me
Cause you're my reason to breathe
Like Abel just did with his sheep
Sacrifice something that matters
Sons, you two both better do your best
I've got to tell you the rest, and if I give you a test
Calm down this ain't recess
When it costs the life of a sheep or goat
Eve says just to deal with it I feel morse
When Eden was around now it's taken away
All life long I"ll remember the day
Closed our foolish eyes and he ended our hopes
Nothing 'cept his lies and his empty boasts
Jumped in 'cause he was never good for nothing
Called my wife Eve, the serpent he jumped in

Relevant Tags:
CCalled MMy WWife ((all MMy LLife) alled y ife all y ife) aClled yM iWfe a(ll yM iLfe) falled jy aife (aall jy kife) fCalled jMy aWife (ll jMy kLife)
Cfalled Mjy Waife (lal Mjy Lkife) xalled ky 3ife (zll ky oife) xCalled kMy 3Wife (zall kMy oLife) Cxalled Mky W3ife (azll Mky Loife) valled ny dife (qll ny pife)
vCalled nMy dWife (qall nMy pLife) Cvalled Mny Wdife (aqll Mny Lpife) dalled Myy eife (sll Myy Liife) dCalled M eWife (sall M Lfe) Cdalled My Weife (asll My Lfie)
Caalled Mg sife (wll Mg Ljfe) Clled Mgy sWife (wall Mgy Ljife) Claled Myg Wsife (awll Myg Lijfe) Czlled Mh 2ife (xll Mh L9fe) Czalled Mhy 2Wife (xall Mhy L9ife)
Cazlled Myh W2ife (axll Myh Li9fe) Cqlled M6 qife (alll M6 Llfe) Cqalled M6y qWife (al M6y Llife) Caqlled My6 Wqife (all My6 Lilfe) Cslled Mu Wiife (akl Mu Lofe)
Csalled Muy Wfe (akll Muy Caslled Myu Wfie (alkl Myu Liofe) Cwlled M7 Wjfe (aol M7 Lkfe) Cwalled M7y Wjife (aoll M7y Cawlled My7 Wijfe (alol My7 Likfe)
Cxlled Mj W9fe (apl Mj L8fe) W9ife (apll L8ife) Caxlled Myj Wi9fe (alpl Myj Li8fe) Callled Mt Wlfe Mt Lufe) Caled Mty Wlife Mty Luife)
Called Myt Wilfe Myt Liufe) Cakled Wofe (alk Liffe) Caklled Woife Lie) Calkled Wiofe (allk Lief) Caoled Wkfe (alo Lice)
Caolled Wkife Licfe) Caloled Wikfe (allo Lifce) Capled W8fe (alp Lire) Caplled W8ife Lirfe) Calpled Wi8fe (allp Lifre)

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