Mama Filipina

mama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to america
mama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to america

listen everybody i got somethin to say
about the place where i came from back in the days
how we used to run around outside in the rain
and we didn't have much but we had everything

i'm reminiscing how we used to be
fresh fruits, blue sand but no equality
where the rich stay rich
and the poor stay poor
but if you look inside there's so much more

now it's a simple life
can't forget what it's like
weather so warm you can even swim in the night
but we still want to taste that american life, life
american life

mama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to america
mama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to america

i remember how we used to be
growing up in the land of poverty
now you gotta leave home
to feed the family
gotta make it in the land of opportunity

politician corrupting the economy
how they plan to buy the lies of the currencies
and they fail to see the sight and the real beleif
of my philippine island, beaches with white sands
hot springs made from volcanoes erupting
how people make life from nothing to something
filipina mama raising me right
for she still wanna taste that american life

mama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to america
mama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to america

i just wanna show you that i missed ya
i just gotta show you that i missed ya
miss ya, miss ya
i just wanna show you that i missed ya
i just gotta show you that i missed ya
miss ya, miss ya
and i never gonna let you goooo..

mama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to america
mama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to america
mama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to americamama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to america

Mirror lyrics:

i had to move to america
i never meant to give you up
i had to move to americamama, mama filipina
i never meant to give you up
mama, mama filipina
i had to move to america
i never meant to give you up
mama, mama filipina
i had to move to america
i never meant to give you up
mama, mama filipina

and i never gonna let you goooo..
miss ya, miss ya
i just gotta show you that i missed ya
i just wanna show you that i missed ya
miss ya, miss ya
i just gotta show you that i missed ya
i just wanna show you that i missed ya

i had to move to america
i never meant to give you up
mama, mama filipina
i had to move to america
i never meant to give you up
mama, mama filipina

for she still wanna taste that american life
filipina mama raising me right
how people make life from nothing to something
hot springs made from volcanoes erupting
of my philippine island, beaches with white sands
and they fail to see the sight and the real beleif
how they plan to buy the lies of the currencies
politician corrupting the economy

gotta make it in the land of opportunity
to feed the family
now you gotta leave home
growing up in the land of poverty
i remember how we used to be

i had to move to america
i never meant to give you up
mama, mama filipina
i had to move to america
i never meant to give you up
mama, mama filipina

american life
but we still want to taste that american life, life
weather so warm you can even swim in the night
can't forget what it's like
now it's a simple life

but if you look inside there's so much more
and the poor stay poor
where the rich stay rich
fresh fruits, blue sand but no equality
i'm reminiscing how we used to be

and we didn't have much but we had everything
how we used to run around outside in the rain
about the place where i came from back in the days
listen everybody i got somethin to say

i had to move to america
i never meant to give you up
mama, mama filipina
i had to move to america
i never meant to give you up
mama, mama filipina

Relevant Tags:
MMama FFilipina ama ilipina aMma iFlipina jama cilipina jMama cFilipina Mjama Fcilipina kama rilipina kMama rFilipina Mkama Frilipina
nama gilipina nMama gFilipina Mnama Fgilipina Maama tilipina Mma tFilipina Mmaa Ftilipina Mzma vilipina Mzama vFilipina Mazma Fvilipina
Mqma dilipina Mqama dFilipina Maqma Fdilipina Msma Fiilipina Msama Flipina Masma Fliipina Mwma Fjlipina Mwama Fjilipina Mawma Fijlipina
Mxma F9lipina Mxama F9ilipina Maxma Fi9lipina Mamma Fllipina Maa Flilipina Maam Fillipina Maja Folipina Majma Foilipina Mamja Fiolipina
Maka Fklipina Makma Fkilipina Mamka Fiklipina Mana F8lipina Manma F8ilipina Mamna Fi8lipina Mamaa Fulipina Mam Fuilipina Mama Fiulipina
Mamz Mamza Fiipina Mamaz Fiilpina Mamq Fikipina Mamqa Mamaq Filkipina Mams Fioipina Mamsa Mamas Filoipina
Mamw Fipipina Mamwa Fiplipina Mamaw Filpipina Mamx Filiipina Mamxa Filpina Mamax Filpiina Filjpina Filjipina Filijpina
Fil9pina Fil9ipina Fili9pina Fillpina Fililpina Filopina

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