Anya Marina
All The Same To Me

All The Same To Me Lyrics
I won't run
When the sky turns to flame
And I sure won't budge
When the earth does shake
When the flood comes up
I will dance in the rain
'Cause it's all the same to me

Somebody care
Somebody care
Somebody care for me
Somebody care
Somebody care
Somebody care for me

And it's all I live for
The air I breathe
So it's all the same to me
Yeah, it's all the same to me

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe
Eyie Eyie Eyie Oh

Where you
Where you
Where you go
Well, it's all the same to me

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe
I won't holler, let me go

Don't you
Don't you
Don't you know
That it's all the same to me?

Somebody do
Somebody do
Somebody do you wrong
Don't let 'em kill
Don't let 'em kill
Don't let 'em kill your soul
So, I keep on shuffling on and on
'Cause it's all the same to me

I won't run
When the sky turns to flame
And I sure won't budge
When the earth does shake
When the flood comes up
I will dance in the rain
'Cause it's all the same to me

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe
Eyie Eyie Eyie Oh

Where you
Where you
Where you go
Well, it's all the same to me

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe
I won't holler, let me go

Don't you
Don't you
Don't you know
That it's all the same to me?

Somebody care
Somebody care
Somebody care for me
Somebody care
Somebody care
Somebody care for me

And it's all I live for
The air I breathe
So it's all the same to me
Yes, it's all the same to me
Well, it's all the same to me

Mirror lyrics:

Well, it's all the same to me
Yes, it's all the same to me
So it's all the same to me
The air I breathe
And it's all I live for

Somebody care for me
Somebody care
Somebody care
Somebody care for me
Somebody care
Somebody care

That it's all the same to me?
Don't you know
Don't you
Don't you

I won't holler, let me go
Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

Well, it's all the same to me
Where you go
Where you
Where you

Eyie Eyie Eyie Oh
Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

'Cause it's all the same to me
I will dance in the rain
When the flood comes up
When the earth does shake
And I sure won't budge
When the sky turns to flame
I won't run

'Cause it's all the same to me
So, I keep on shuffling on and on
Don't let 'em kill your soul
Don't let 'em kill
Don't let 'em kill
Somebody do you wrong
Somebody do
Somebody do

That it's all the same to me?
Don't you know
Don't you
Don't you

I won't holler, let me go
Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

Well, it's all the same to me
Where you go
Where you
Where you

Eyie Eyie Eyie Oh
Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

Yeah, it's all the same to me
So it's all the same to me
The air I breathe
And it's all I live for

Somebody care for me
Somebody care
Somebody care
Somebody care for me
Somebody care
Somebody care

'Cause it's all the same to me
I will dance in the rain
When the flood comes up
When the earth does shake
And I sure won't budge
When the sky turns to flame
I won't run
All The Same To Me Lyrics

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThe SSame TTo MMe ll he ame o e lAl hTe aSme oT eM zll fhe zame fo je zAll fThe zSame fTo jMe Azll Tfhe Szame Tfo Mje
qll 5he wame 5o ke qAll 5The wSame 5To kMe Aqll T5he Swame T5o Mke sll hhe dame ho ne sAll hThe dSame hTo nMe Asll Thhe Sdame Tho Mne
wll yhe eame yo Mee wAll yThe eSame yTo M Awll Tyhe Seame Tyo Me xll 6he xame 6o Ms xAll 6The xSame 6To Mse Axll T6he Sxame T6o Mes
Alll ghe aame go M3 Al gThe aSame gTo M3e All Tghe Saame Tgo Me3 Akl rhe ro Mf Akll rThe Sme rTo Mfe Alkl Trhe Smae Tro Mef
Aol Szme Too Mr Aoll Te T Mre Alol Teh Sazme To Mer Apl Tje Sqme Tk M4 Apll Tjhe Sqame Tko M4e Alpl Thje Saqme Tok Me4
Tue Ssme T9 Md Tuhe Ssame T9o Mde Thue Sasme To9 Med Alk Tne Swme T0 Mw Tnhe T0o Mwe Allk Thne Sawme To0 Mew

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