You May Be Bright (you May Be Right)

Friday, Christ had just departed
Saturday, Christ's grave was guarded
Sunday came and Christ came out again
And the stone they had in front
Was a sturdy heavy one
That they all were far too weak to move away
Now the men they had to guard that stone
Were top defensive guys from Rome
Even though Christ's own disciples were afraid
But the stone was knocked aside
And He made it out alive
So you said they only moved it from His grave
You maybe bright
I say you're crazy
Hey! But you just may need illuminating a little more
Turn on the light
It's kinda shady
My faith is strong because I know the way He died

And remember how they crowned Him there
‘Cause Rome had no electric chair
They slowly tortured folks until they died
Yeah, the Romans scourged Him then
They said take this cross and stand
‘Cause we'd like you boy to drag this for a while
Then on top of all the things they tried
When Christ was done they crucified Him
Someone's spear went straight through at His waist
But you say the man just swooned
And they all were just confused
And He really was just in a coma state
You maybe bright
I say you're crazy
Hey! But it just may be excuses that you're looking for
If you hate the light
It's too late to save ya
My faith is strong because I know the way He died


You maybe bright
I say you're crazy
Hey! But I just can't be the humanist you're looking for
Turn down the lies
Don't try to faze me
My faith is strong because I know the way He died

You say we're wrong but you hate the light (repeat to fade

Mirror lyrics:

You say we're wrong but you hate the light (repeat to fade

My faith is strong because I know the way He died
Don't try to faze me
Turn down the lies
Hey! But I just can't be the humanist you're looking for
I say you're crazy
You maybe bright


My faith is strong because I know the way He died
It's too late to save ya
If you hate the light
Hey! But it just may be excuses that you're looking for
I say you're crazy
You maybe bright
And He really was just in a coma state
And they all were just confused
But you say the man just swooned
Someone's spear went straight through at His waist
When Christ was done they crucified Him
Then on top of all the things they tried
‘Cause we'd like you boy to drag this for a while
They said take this cross and stand
Yeah, the Romans scourged Him then
They slowly tortured folks until they died
‘Cause Rome had no electric chair
And remember how they crowned Him there

My faith is strong because I know the way He died
It's kinda shady
Turn on the light
Hey! But you just may need illuminating a little more
I say you're crazy
You maybe bright
So you said they only moved it from His grave
And He made it out alive
But the stone was knocked aside
Even though Christ's own disciples were afraid
Were top defensive guys from Rome
Now the men they had to guard that stone
That they all were far too weak to move away
Was a sturdy heavy one
And the stone they had in front
Sunday came and Christ came out again
Saturday, Christ's grave was guarded
Friday, Christ had just departed

Relevant Tags:
YYou MMay BBe BBright ((you MMay BBe RRight) ou ay e right you ay e ight) oYu aMy eB rBight y(ou aMy eB iRght) gou jay ve vright (yyou jay ve dight)
gYou jMay vBe vBright (ou jMay vBe dRight) Ygou Mjay Bve Bvright (oyu Mjay Bve Rdight) hou kay ge gright (gou kay ge 4ight) hYou kMay gBe gBright (gyou kMay gBe 4Right)
Yhou Mkay Bge Bgright (ygou Mkay Bge R4ight) 6ou nay ne nright (hou nay ne gight) 6You nMay nBe nBright (hyou nMay nBe gRight) Y6ou Mnay Bne Bnright (yhou Mnay Bne Rgight)
uou Maay he hright (6ou Maay he tight) uYou My hBe hBright (6you My hBe tRight) Yuou Mya Bhe Bhright (y6ou Mya Bhe Rtight) 7ou Mzy Bee Brright (uou Mzy Bee 5ight)
7You Mzay B Bight (uyou Mzay B 5Right) Y7ou Mazy Be Birght (yuou Mazy Be R5ight) jou Mqy Bs Bdight (7ou Mqy Bs fight) jYou Mqay Bse Bdright (7you Mqay Bse fRight)
Yjou Maqy Bes Brdight (y7ou Maqy Bes Rfight) tou Msy B3 B4ight (jou Msy B3 eight) tYou Msay B3e B4right (jyou Msay B3e eRight) Ytou Masy Be3 Br4ight (yjou Masy Be3 Reight)
Yoou Mwy Bf Bgight (tou Mwy Bf Riight) Yu Mway Bfe (tyou Mway Bfe Rght) Yuo Mawy Bef Brgight (ytou Mawy Bef Rgiht) Yku Mxy Br Btight (yoou Mxy Br Rjght)
Ykou Mxay Bre Btright (yu Mxay Bre Rjight) Yoku Maxy Ber Brtight (yuo Maxy Ber Rijght) Y9u Mayy B4 B5ight (yku Mayy B4 R9ght) Y9ou Ma B4e B5right (ykou Ma B4e R9ight)
Yo9u May Be4 Br5ight (yoku May Be4 Ri9ght) Y0u Mag Bd Bfight (y9u Mag Bd Rlght) Y0ou Magy Bde Bfright (y9ou Magy Bde Rlight) Yo0u Mayg Bed Brfight (yo9u Mayg Bed Rilght)
Ylu Mah Bw Beight (y0u Mah Bw Roght) Ylou Mahy Bwe Beright (y0ou Mahy Bwe Roight) Yolu Mayh Bew Breight (yo0u Mayh Bew Rioght) Yiu Ma6 Briight (ylu Ma6 Rkght)
Yiou Ma6y Brght (ylou Ma6y Rkight) Yoiu May6 Brgiht (yolu May6 Rikght) Youu Mau Brjght (yiu Mau R8ght) Yo Mauy Brjight (yiou Mauy R8ight)
You Mayu Brijght (yoiu Mayu Ri8ght) Yoh Ma7 Br9ght (youu Ma7 Rught) Yohu Ma7y Br9ight (yo Ma7y Ruight) Youh May7 Bri9ght (you May7 Riught)
Yo7 Maj Brlght (yoh Maj Rigght) Yo7u Majy Brlight (yohu Majy Riht) You7 Mayj Brilght (youh Mayj Rihgt) Yok Mat Broght (yo7 Mat Rihht)
Maty Broight (yo7u Maty Rihght) Youk Mayt Brioght (you7 Mayt Righht) Yoi Brkght (yok Riyht) Brkight Riyght)
Youi Brikght (youk Rigyht) Yo8 Br8ght (yoi Ribht) Yo8u Br8ight Ribght) You8 Bri8ght (youi Rigbht)
Yoj Brught (yo8 Rivht)

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