Aretha Franklin
Eleanor Rigby

I'm Eleanor Rigby
I picked up the rice in the church where the weddings have been
Yeah I'm Eleanor Rigby
I'm keepin' my face in a jar by the door
if you wanna know what is it for, Well

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from
All the lonley people
Where do they all belong

Father McKenzie
Writing the words to a sermon
that no one will hear
no one comes near
Look at him working
Knoting his socks in the night
What does he care, Yeah


Eleanor Rigby died in the church
And was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie Wiping the dirt from his hands
As he walks from the grave

Mirror lyrics:

As he walks from the grave
Father McKenzie Wiping the dirt from his hands
Nobody came
And was buried along with her name
Eleanor Rigby died in the church


What does he care, Yeah
Knoting his socks in the night
Look at him working
no one comes near
that no one will hear
Writing the words to a sermon
Father McKenzie

Where do they all belong
All the lonley people
Where do they all come from
All the lonely people

if you wanna know what is it for, Well
I'm keepin' my face in a jar by the door
Yeah I'm Eleanor Rigby
I picked up the rice in the church where the weddings have been
I'm Eleanor Rigby

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EEleanor RRigby leanor igby lEeanor iRgby sleanor digby sEleanor dRigby Esleanor Rdigby 3leanor 4igby 3Eleanor 4Rigby E3leanor R4igby
fleanor gigby fEleanor gRigby Efleanor Rgigby rleanor tigby rEleanor tRigby Erleanor Rtigby 4leanor 5igby 4Eleanor 5Rigby E4leanor R5igby
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Ekeanor Rjgby Ekleanor Rjigby Elkeanor Rijgby Eoeanor R9gby Eoleanor R9igby Eloeanor Ri9gby Epeanor Rlgby Epleanor Rligby Elpeanor Rilgby
Eleeanor Rogby Elanor Roigby Elaenor Riogby Elsanor Rkgby Elseanor Rkigby Elesanor Rikgby El3anor R8gby El3eanor R8igby Ele3anor Ri8gby
Elfanor Rugby Elfeanor Ruigby Elefanor Riugby Elranor Riggby Elreanor Riby Eleranor Ribgy El4anor Rihby El4eanor Rihgby Ele4anor Righby
Eldanor Riyby Eldeanor Riygby Eledanor Rigyby Elwanor Ribby Elweanor Ribgby Elewanor Rigbby Eleaanor Rivby Elenor Rivgby Elenaor Rigvby
Eleznor Rifby Elezanor Rifgby Eleaznor Rigfby Eleqnor Ritby

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