Aretha Franklin
Every Lil' Bit Hurts

Every little bit hurts,
Every little bit hurts..

Every night I cry,
Every night I sigh,
Every night I wonder why
You treat me cold,
Yet you won't let me go.

Every little hurt counts,
Every little hurt counts,
You say you're coming home,
Yet you never phone,
Leave me all alone,
My love is strong for you,
And I'd do wrong for you.
I can't take this loneliness you've given me.
I just can't go on giving my life away.

Oh, come back to me, (come back to me)
And I'll make you'll see, (I'll make you'll see)
That I can give you all the things that you wanted before,
If you will stay with me.

Every little bit hurts, (yeah)
Every little bit hurts (yeah)

To you I'm a toy and you're the boy,
Who has to say when I should play.
Yet you hurt me, desert me.

***instrumental break*** (ooooooo)

Oh, come back to me, (come back to me)
And I'll make you'll see, (I'll make you'll see)
That I can give you all the things that you wanted before,
If you will stay, stay with me.
oohh yeah

Every little bit hurts (till fade)

Mirror lyrics:

Every little bit hurts (till fade)

oohh yeah
If you will stay, stay with me.
That I can give you all the things that you wanted before,
And I'll make you'll see, (I'll make you'll see)
Oh, come back to me, (come back to me)

***instrumental break*** (ooooooo)

Yet you hurt me, desert me.
Who has to say when I should play.
To you I'm a toy and you're the boy,

Every little bit hurts (yeah)
Every little bit hurts, (yeah)

If you will stay with me.
That I can give you all the things that you wanted before,
And I'll make you'll see, (I'll make you'll see)
Oh, come back to me, (come back to me)

I just can't go on giving my life away.
I can't take this loneliness you've given me.
And I'd do wrong for you.
My love is strong for you,
Leave me all alone,
Yet you never phone,
You say you're coming home,
Every little hurt counts,
Every little hurt counts,

Yet you won't let me go.
You treat me cold,
Every night I wonder why
Every night I sigh,
Every night I cry,

Every little bit hurts..
Every little bit hurts,

Relevant Tags:
EEvery LLil' BBit HHurts very il' it urts vEery iLl' iBt uHrts svery kil' vit jurts sEvery kLil' vBit jHurts Esvery Lkil' Bvit Hjurts
3very oil' git uurts 3Every oLil' gBit uHurts E3very Loil' Bgit Huurts fvery pil' nit nurts fEvery pLil' nBit nHurts Efvery Lpil' Bnit Hnurts
rvery Liil' hit burts rEvery Ll' hBit bHurts Ervery Lli' Bhit Hburts 4very Ljl' Biit gurts 4Every Ljil' Bt gHurts E4very Lijl' Bti Hgurts
dvery L9l' Bjt yurts dEvery L9il' Bjit yHurts Edvery Li9l' Bijt Hyurts wvery Lll' B9t wEvery Llil' B9it Hrts Ewvery Lill' Bi9t Hruts
Evvery Lol' Blt Hhrts Eery Blit Hhurts Eevry Liol' Bilt Huhrts Ebery Lkl' Bot H7rts Ebvery Boit H7urts Evbery Likl' Biot Hu7rts
Ecery L8l' Bkt Hkrts Ecvery L8il' Bkit Hkurts Evcery Li8l' Bikt Hukrts Egery Lul' B8t Hirts Egvery Luil' B8it Hiurts Evgery Liul' Bi8t Huirts
Efery But H8rts Li' Buit H8urts Evfery Li'l Biut Hu8rts Eveery Lik' Bitt Hjrts Evry Bi Evrey Lilk' Bit Hujrts
Evsry Lio' Bif Hyrts Evsery Bift Evesry Lilo' Bitf Huyrts Ev3ry Lip' Bi5 Hurrts Ev3ery Lipl' Bi5t Huts Eve3ry Lilp' Bit5 Hutrs
Evfry Lil'' Bih Hudts Lil Biht Hudrts Evefry Lil' Bith Hurdts Evrry Biy Hu4ts Evrery Biyt Hu4rts

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