Never Ending Night

Just a simple thought, cast into the light
Leads to such destruction - never ending night
In my blind obsession to avoid the fools I've seen
How could I not recognize the fool was always me?

As guilt rains down
And scars the faith of man
It flows into the ground
I will never wipe the bloodstains from my hands

This seed of hate was carried in my soul
Waiting for the moment when it could take control
Surely there is someone who'll reach out
Surely there is someone who'll reach out

A failing heart, vulnerable and weak
Waiting for the moment to beat the final beat

As guilt rains down
And scars the faith of man
It flows into the ground
I will never wipe the bloodstains from my hands

Is there someone who'll reach out?
Surely there is someone who'll reach out

Mirror lyrics:

Surely there is someone who'll reach out
Is there someone who'll reach out?

I will never wipe the bloodstains from my hands
It flows into the ground
And scars the faith of man
As guilt rains down

Waiting for the moment to beat the final beat
A failing heart, vulnerable and weak

Surely there is someone who'll reach out
Surely there is someone who'll reach out
Waiting for the moment when it could take control
This seed of hate was carried in my soul

I will never wipe the bloodstains from my hands
It flows into the ground
And scars the faith of man
As guilt rains down

How could I not recognize the fool was always me?
In my blind obsession to avoid the fools I've seen
Leads to such destruction - never ending night
Just a simple thought, cast into the light

Relevant Tags:
NNever EEnding NNight ever nding ight eNver nEding iNght mever snding might mNever sEnding mNight Nmever Esnding Nmight
hever 3nding hight hNever 3Ending hNight Nhever E3nding Nhight jever fnding jight jNever fEnding jNight Njever Efnding Njight
bever rnding bight bNever rEnding bNight Nbever Ernding Nbight Neever 4nding Niight Nver 4Ending Nght Nveer E4nding Ngiht
Nsver dnding Njght Nsever dEnding Nesver Ednding Nijght N3ver wnding N9ght N3ever wEnding N9ight Ne3ver Ewnding Ni9ght
Nfver Ennding Nlght Nfever Eding Nlight Nefver Edning Nilght Nrver Emding Noght Nrever Emnding Noight Nerver Enmding Nioght
N4ver Ehding Nkght N4ever Ehnding Nkight Ne4ver Enhding Nikght Ndver Ejding N8ght Ndever Ejnding N8ight Nedver Enjding Ni8ght
Nwver Ebding Nught Nwever Ebnding Nuight Newver Enbding Niught Nevver Endding Nigght Neer Ening Niht Neevr Enidng Nihgt
Neber Enxing Nihht Nebver Enxding Nihght Nevber Endxing Nighht Necer Eneing Niyht Necver Eneding Niyght Nevcer Endeing Nigyht
Neger Enfing Nibht Negver Enfding Nibght Nevger Endfing Nigbht Nefer Enring Nivht Enrding Nivght Nevfer Endring Nigvht
Neveer Encing Nifht Nevr Encding Nifght Nevre Endcing Nigfht Nevsr Ensing Nitht Nevser Ensding Nitght

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