Ghost In The Firewall

Look for me here
It's blacker than the night
Look for me here
But don't throw me in the light
Keep me on the inside
A part of the team
Keep me on the inside
I don't care what that means

Oh - Like the ghost in the Firewall
Oh - Like a virus in the system
Oh - Like the ghost in the Firewall
Let me in
Let me fade away

Look for me here
My name is Legion
Look for me here
We are many - we are one
Keep me on the inside
Lost in the crowd
Keep me on the inside
Don't try to force me out

Oh - Like the ghost in the Firewall
Oh - Like a virus in the system
Oh - Like the ghost in the Firewall
Let me in
Let me fade away
Let me in
Let me fade away
Let me fade away

Mirror lyrics:

Let me fade away
Let me fade away
Let me in
Let me fade away
Let me in
Oh - Like the ghost in the Firewall
Oh - Like a virus in the system
Oh - Like the ghost in the Firewall

Don't try to force me out
Keep me on the inside
Lost in the crowd
Keep me on the inside
We are many - we are one
Look for me here
My name is Legion
Look for me here

Let me fade away
Let me in
Oh - Like the ghost in the Firewall
Oh - Like a virus in the system
Oh - Like the ghost in the Firewall

I don't care what that means
Keep me on the inside
A part of the team
Keep me on the inside
But don't throw me in the light
Look for me here
It's blacker than the night
Look for me here

Relevant Tags:
GGhost IIn TThe FFirewall host n he irewall hGost nI hTe iFrewall hhost jn fhe cirewall hGhost jIn fThe cFirewall Ghhost Ijn Tfhe Fcirewall
yhost 9n 5he rirewall yGhost 9In 5The rFirewall Gyhost I9n T5he Frirewall bhost ln hhe girewall bGhost lIn hThe gFirewall Gbhost Iln Thhe Fgirewall
vhost on yhe tirewall vGhost oIn yThe tFirewall Gvhost Ion Tyhe Ftirewall fhost kn 6he virewall fGhost kIn 6The vFirewall Gfhost Ikn T6he Fvirewall
thost 8n ghe direwall tGhost 8In gThe dFirewall Gthost I8n Tghe Fdirewall un rhe Fiirewall Gost uIn rThe Frewall Gohst Iun Trhe Friewall
Gjost Inn Fjrewall Gjhost I Te Fjirewall Ghjost In Teh Fijrewall Guost Im Tje F9rewall Guhost Imn Tjhe F9irewall Ghuost Inm Thje Fi9rewall
Gnost Ih Tue Flrewall Gnhost Ihn Tuhe Flirewall Ghnost Inh Thue Filrewall Gbost Ij Tne Forewall Tnhe Foirewall Ghbost Inj Thne Fiorewall
Ggost Ib Tbe Fkrewall Gghost Ibn Tbhe Fkirewall Ghgost Inb Thbe Fikrewall Gyost Tge F8rewall F8irewall Ghyost Thge Fi8rewall
Ghoost Tye Furewall Ghst Fuirewall Ghsot Thye Fiurewall Ghkst Thee Firrewall Ghkost Th Fiewall Ghokst The Fierwall
Gh9st Ths Fidewall Gh9ost Thse Fidrewall Gho9st Thes Firdewall Gh0st Th3 Fi4ewall Gh0ost Th3e Fi4rewall Gho0st The3 Fir4ewall
Ghlst Thf Figewall Ghlost Thfe Figrewall Gholst Thef Firgewall Ghist Thr Fitewall Ghiost Thre Fitrewall Ghoist Ther Firtewall
Ghosst Th4 Fi5ewall Ghot Th4e Fi5rewall Ghots The4 Fir5ewall Ghozt Thd Fifewall Ghozst Thde Fifrewall Ghoszt Thed Firfewall
Ghowt Thw Fieewall Ghowst Thwe Fierewall Ghoswt Thew Fireewall Ghodt

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