Take A Chance On Me

If you change your mind, I'm the first in line
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
If you need me, let me know, gonna be around
If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down
If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie
If you put me to the test, if you let me try

Take a chance on me
[That's all I ask of you honey]
Take a chance on me

We can go dancing, we can go walking, as long as we're together
Listen to some music, maybe just talking, get to know you better
'Cos you know I've got
So much that I wanna do, when I dream I'm alone with you
It's magic
You want me to leave it there, afraid of a love affair
But I think you know
That I can't let go

If you change your mind, I'm the first in line
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
If you need me, let me know, gonna be around
If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down
If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie
If you put me to the test, if you let me try

Take a chance on me

[Come on, give me a break will you?]
Take a chance on me
Oh you can take your time baby, I'm in no hurry, know I'm gonna get you
You don't wanna hurt me, baby don't worry, I ain't gonna let you
Let me tell you now
My love is strong enough to last when things are rough
It's magic
You say that I waste my time but I can't get you off my mind
No I can't let go
'Cos I love you so

If you change your mind, I'm the first in line
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
If you need me, let me know, gonna be around
If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down
If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie
If you put me to the test, if you let me try

Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
If you need me, let me know, gonna be around
If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down
If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie
If you put me to the test, if you let me try
[repeat and fade]

Mirror lyrics:

[repeat and fade]
If you put me to the test, if you let me try
Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie
Take a chance on me
Honey I'm still free
If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown
If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down
If you need me, let me know, gonna be around
Take a chance on me
Honey I'm still free

If you put me to the test, if you let me try
Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie
Take a chance on me
Honey I'm still free
If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown
If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down
If you need me, let me know, gonna be around
Take a chance on me
Honey I'm still free
If you change your mind, I'm the first in line

'Cos I love you so
No I can't let go
You say that I waste my time but I can't get you off my mind
It's magic
My love is strong enough to last when things are rough
Let me tell you now
You don't wanna hurt me, baby don't worry, I ain't gonna let you
Oh you can take your time baby, I'm in no hurry, know I'm gonna get you
Take a chance on me
[Come on, give me a break will you?]

Take a chance on me

If you put me to the test, if you let me try
Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie
Take a chance on me
Honey I'm still free
If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown
If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down
If you need me, let me know, gonna be around
Take a chance on me
Honey I'm still free
If you change your mind, I'm the first in line

That I can't let go
But I think you know
You want me to leave it there, afraid of a love affair
It's magic
So much that I wanna do, when I dream I'm alone with you
'Cos you know I've got
Listen to some music, maybe just talking, get to know you better
We can go dancing, we can go walking, as long as we're together

Take a chance on me
[That's all I ask of you honey]
Take a chance on me

If you put me to the test, if you let me try
Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie
Take a chance on me
Honey I'm still free
If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown
If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down
If you need me, let me know, gonna be around
Take a chance on me
Honey I'm still free
If you change your mind, I'm the first in line

Relevant Tags:
TTake AA CChance OOn MMe ake hance n e aTke A hCance nO eM fake z fhance kn je fTake zA fChance kOn jMe Tfake Az Cfhance Okn Mje
5ake q xhance 9n ke 5Take qA xChance 9On kMe T5ake Aq Cxhance O9n Mke hake s vhance 0n ne hTake sA vChance 0On nMe Thake As Cvhance O0n Mne
yake w dhance ln Mee yTake wA dChance lOn M Tyake Aw Cdhance Oln Me 6ake x Chhance in Ms 6Take xA Cance iOn Mse T6ake Ax Cahnce Oin Mes
gake Cjance Onn M3 gTake Cjhance O M3e Tgake Chjance On Me3 rake Cuance Om Mf rTake Cuhance Omn Mfe Trake Chuance Onm Mef
Taake Cnance Oh Mr Tke Cnhance Ohn Mre Tkae Chnance Onh Mer Tzke Cbance Oj M4 Tzake Cbhance Ojn M4e Tazke Chbance Onj Me4
Tqke Cgance Ob Md Tqake Cghance Obn Mde Taqke Chgance Onb Med Tske Cyance Mw Tsake Cyhance Mwe Taske Chyance Mew
Twke Chaance Twake Chnce Tawke Chnace Txke Chznce Txake Chzance Taxke Chaznce
Takke Chqnce Tae Chqance Taek Chaqnce Tale Chsnce Talke Chsance Takle Chasnce
Taoe Chwnce Taoke Chwance Takoe Chawnce Tame Chxnce Tamke Chxance

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