Sorry( For Losing You)

Ohhh... I'm so sorry we could have worked it out. but you just had to
walk out that door. I hoped we could have fixed it so this is all I have
left to say to you is that I'm sorry......

I'm sorry baby(for losing you) This once the last chance we had
and you didn't hear a thing I ever said and now all I have to say is
that I'm sorry( for losing you).

Ohhhh.... This is it your just gonna walk out
(I have no choice). well to this
day all I have to say is I'm So Sorry.
....... We had our chance but we lost it.
ohhh and this all I have left to say is sorry yeah.........

Repeat chours(x2)

Yeahhh this is it I'm sorry for losing you............

Mirror lyrics:

Yeahhh this is it I'm sorry for losing you............

Repeat chours(x2)

ohhh and this all I have left to say is sorry yeah.........
....... We had our chance but we lost it.
day all I have to say is I'm So Sorry.
(I have no choice). well to this
Ohhhh.... This is it your just gonna walk out

that I'm sorry( for losing you).
and you didn't hear a thing I ever said and now all I have to say is
I'm sorry baby(for losing you) This once the last chance we had

left to say to you is that I'm sorry......
walk out that door. I hoped we could have fixed it so this is all I have
Ohhh... I'm so sorry we could have worked it out. but you just had to

Relevant Tags:
SSorry( FFor LLosing YYou) orry( or osing ou) oSrry( oFr oLsing oYu) zorry( cor kosing gou) zSorry( cFor kLosing gYou) Szorry( Fcor Lkosing Ygou)
worry( ror oosing hou) wSorry( rFor oLosing hYou) Sworry( Fror Loosing Yhou) dorry( gor posing 6ou) dSorry( gFor pLosing 6You) Sdorry( Fgor Lposing Y6ou)
eorry( tor uou) eSorry( tFor Lsing uYou) Seorry( Ftor Lsoing Yuou) xorry( vor Lksing 7ou) xSorry( vFor 7You) Sxorry( Fvor Loksing Y7ou)
aorry( dor L9sing jou) aSorry( dFor L9osing jYou) Saorry( Fdor Lo9sing Yjou) Soorry( Foor L0sing tou) Srry( Fr L0osing tYou) Srory( Fro Lo0sing Ytou)
Skrry( Fkr Llsing Yoou) Skorry( Fkor Llosing Yu) Sokrry( Fokr Lolsing Yuo) S9rry( F9r Lising Yku) S9orry( F9or Liosing Ykou) So9rry( Fo9r Loising Yoku)
S0rry( F0r Lossing Y9u) S0orry( F0or Loing Y9ou) So0rry( Fo0r Loisng Yo9u) Slrry( Flr Lozing Y0u) Slorry( Flor Lozsing Y0ou) Solrry( Folr Loszing Yo0u)
Sirry( Fir Lowing Ylu) Siorry( Fior Lowsing Ylou) Soirry( Foir Loswing Yolu) Sorrry( Forr Loding Yiu) Sory( Fo Lodsing Yiou) Sorry( For Losding Yoiu)
Sodry( Fod Loeing Youu) Sodrry( Fodr Loesing Yo) Sordry( Ford Loseing Yo)u So4ry( Fo4 Loxing Yoh) So4rry( Fo4r Loxsing Yohu) Sor4ry( For4 Losxing Youh)
Sogry( Fog Loaing Yo7) Sogrry( Fogr Loasing Yo7u) Sorgry( Forg Losaing You7) Sotry( Fot Losiing Yok) Sotrry( Fotr Losng

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